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The Euro – Destined for 80 cents?

QUESTION: Marty, my hat is off to you mate. You are spot on about politically-correct forecasting. There was nobody out there but you saying the Euro was heading back to par. Yet not a single mainstream media will dare write an article about you or that forecast. It is more than the Bank of England […]

Bank of England Under Investigation for being TOO Friendly with Banks

The biggest problem we have with central banks is that they are run by academics with ZERO real world experience. This applies not just at the Fed, but most central banks with the lone exception of Bank of China. The greatest danger this presents is that the money-center banks manipulate the central bankers during states […]

Can the Dow Exceed 18600?

  Can the Dow Exceed 18600 and still fall? Yes. We can see this is a technical target zone. In March on the Monthly level the Uptrend Channel stands at 18773.74. The weekly projection stands at about 18980.45 and on the Daily level the resistance is at about 18582.94. It is really a price zone […]

US v Europe – the Divergence

QUESTION: Dear Martin I hope your well and having a good 2015 thus far. I don’t know whether you planned it but after your post regarding people trying to pass your work off as their own a funny thing happened. I was at a luncheon in London with some so called “important” and knowledgeable figures. The […]

Consumer Credit Moving Higher into 2015.75

Subprime consumer borrowing — encompassing auto loans, credit card loans and personal loans — climbed to $189 billion in the first 11 months last year, the highest total since 2007, according to a study compiled for The Wall Street Journal by Equifax. This is precisely what I mean about living with the cycle. People will spend […]

The Fed & Manipulation

QUESTION: Do you believe the Federal Reserve, or any such system as it, is the cause for such extreme boom bust cycles or are those cycles inevitable even if the Fed did not exist?,  or perhaps if it did not exist the amplitude of the swings would at least be lessened Do you agree the […]

So What’s Up With the DAX?

  Previously I have warned that the DAX would press higher as the object of capital flight within Europe. The problem we are facing is that the DAX could peak-out with this ECM turning point. If this were to unfold with a high in the DAX to the day of the ECM, this will be […]

HARP & Housing Set to Expire in 2015

One of the lesser know government programs to come out of the 2007-2011 ECM Downturn, is the Home Affordable Refinance Plan (HARP), HARP could still benefit millions of Americans and reduce their monthly payments by as much as $4,264 each year. The banks will not tell you that. The bankers are cheering the ending of […]

Oil & the Future – Saudi Strategy Giving Up on Controlling Price Is Only Option

The argument that there was a conspiracy between the USA and Saudi Arabia to lower the price of oil to hurt Russia is proving to be a bunch of nonsense.The Saudi-led OPEC decision of Nov. 27, 2014 to maintain output levels and protect its market share is having a profound impact in the oil industry. […]

Greece the Distraction for France

While Greece captures the headlines, quietly behind the curtain the European Commission has granted France until 2017 to bring its budget deficit below the EU limit of 3% of GDP. So while everyone has their eye on Greece, Europe’s second largest economy has one of the highest social welfare bills and even less of a […]