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The USA is in its Death Throes

Obama is reviewing the ban on military weapons for police forces after multiple instances of deliberate attacks on police officers. Instead of prosecuting the bad police officers, they are preparing to dig their heels in and arm the police to escalate the confrontation between the people and the police. This, unfortunately, is also how Rome ended. […]

The Battle Begins

HILLARY CLINTON @ real DonaldTrump thinks that democrats care about his opinion, how does it feel putting your stuff where it doesn’t belong ? DONALD J TRUMP @Hillary Clinton. Ask Bill. The battle between Hillary and Trump has taken to Twitter. Hillary is way out of her league here. The media turned on Trump for […]

Michael Bloomberg Calls Trump a “Dangerous Demagogue”

  Hillary Clinton & Michael Bloomberg at the Goldman Sachs new building construction Former Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg had the audacity to deliver a speech at the Democratic Convention saying, “There are times when I disagree with Hillary Clinton. But let me tell you, whatever our disagreements may be, I’ve come here to […]

Elizabeth Warren’s False Reality

Sen. Elizabeth Warren claims that Trump wants everything to crash so he can buy up real estate on the cheap. Of course, to do that one must have cash and confidence that it is a bottom. It is very rare to find someone who will just rush in and buy in a falling market. You could also say that […]

Obama – You Can’t Fool All the People All the Time

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I remember Obama promising to eliminate income tax on seniors. They always just say whatever gets them votes and never do anything they promise. Hillary is doing the same. It’s just more lies on top of lies. HS ANSWER: Correct. Obama promised: “[We] will eliminate all income taxation of seniors making less than $50,000 […]

Wikileaks & DNC Emails Show Conspiracy Against Bernie

The hacking of the Democratic Party has been an eye-opener. WikiLeaks dumped a massive load of e-mails from the Democratic National Committee onto the web on Friday. The thousands of internal e-mails have shown how crooked the party has become and revealed that a party official tried to use Bernie Sanders’ supposed religious beliefs to derail his presidential campaign […]

Hacker Guccifer Leaks New DNC Data

The hacker group Guccifer has released another batch of documents from the Democratic National Committee’s servers. The top-20 personal individuals donating to Hillary are mostly hedge fund and Hollywood titans: Haim & Cheryl Saban $10 million (financial services, entertainment, and media) George Soros $7 million (hedge fund) James Simons $7 million (hedge fund) JB & […]

Lagarde to Stand Trial for Negligence Fraud

  If Trump wins, he says he would prosecute Hillary for her crimes. At least in France, the courts are not as corrupt as they are in the United States. The highest court has ruled that the notorious head of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) Christine Lagarde  must stand trial for a financial scandal. Back in 2008, […]

The Republican Platform: Restore Glass Steagall

QUESTION: Marty, the Republican platform supports the return of Glass-Steagall. Is Trump for that? Thanks for all you do PL ANSWER: Yes. If there was anyone who would actually do that, it would be Trump. However, keep in mind the act would still have to get through Congress and the bankers would buy every vote […]

The Republican Convention in Review

Those in the establishment are truly beside themselves. People like Jon Stewart are bashing Trump supporters saying, “You Don’t Own America,” which means only one thing — shut up and let the rest of us control government as we always have. The Trump supporters are the main backbone of America who have been ignored, lied to, and abused in […]