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Market Talk – March 29, 2022

ASIA: Three of China’s largest banks have said that the country’s lenders face multiple headwinds this year that include the pandemic, global politics and domestic turmoil in the real estate industry. China’s banking industry is facing “a more complicated and severe business environment,” the country’s second-biggest lender by assets China Construction Bank Corp, said on […]

Market Talk – March 28, 2022

ASIA: China’s financial hub of Shanghai launched a two-stage lockdown of its 26 million residents on Monday, closing bridges and tunnels and restricting highway traffic in a scramble to contain surging COVID-19 cases. It is the biggest COVID-related disruption to hit Shanghai and sent prices of commodities including oil and copper lower on fears that […]

Constantine IX (1042-1055)

Monetary History of Byzantium CONSTANTINE IX1042-1055 Constantine IX Monomachos (c. 1004–1055), reigned as Byzantine Emperor from June 1042 until January 1055 when he died. Constantine IX was chosen by Empress Zoë Porphyrogenita who was the daughter of Constantine VIII. Zoe chose Constantine IX as her husband and co-emperor in 1042, although she had been exiled […]

Are we Following the Path of Pearl Harbor?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong. You previously mentioned that the chance for world war 3 will come to play after 2027 … but nowadays you are warning that those dead head’s in the west are pushing the world into world war 3 right now. Is there a change in the timeline? With much appreciation, Tal ANSWER:  […]

Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?

COMMENT: Dear Martin, I am a frequent follower of your blog. I read your article tonight “ Putin puts Bidens King check mate” Being an economist myself with 30 years of experience I completely agree with your proposals of a two tier Ruble. I would fine tune it even further by backing the international ruble up […]

Should we Cheer for Putin to Lose?

While the Neocon strategy of DEMONIZING an adversary as they have done to Putin, the very same strategy was used to get people to absolutely hate Donald Trump. The more someone hates Trump still, the more susceptible they are to simple techniques of mind manipulation. This has led many to cheer for the Ukrainians to […]

The Plot Behind the Curtain

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have a serious question for you. Do you think that Putin was lured into this mess by people trying to change the world? I will leave it at that. GB ANSWER: Yes. I cannot believe that Harris’ off-the-cuff statement at the Munich Security Meeting that Ukraine should join NATO was simply […]

Premier of Alberta Calls on Biden to Reimplement Keystone XL Project

Jason Kenney, premier of Alberta, Canada, is calling upon President Joe Biden to reimplement the Keystone XL pipeline project. “If President Biden had not vetoed that project, it would be done later this year – 840,000 barrels of democratic energy that could have displaced the 600,000 plus barrels of Russian conflict oil that’s filled with […]

Clueless Celebrities Attempt to Worsen Energy Crisis

City National Bank is considered Hollywood’s “bank to the stars” and was acquired by the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) in 2015. A group of over 65 clueless celebrities thirsting for attention are attempting to create a movement called “No Dirty Banks” to dissuade the RBC from investing in fossil fuels – period. Their message […]

The Truth Behind Ukraine v Russia – Is the Evil Within?

  Back in 2014, the people were upset that the US was selecting the new leadership following the fall of Yanukovich. They were told if they revolted against the new regime, that they would receive no support from the West. The revolution was the people but everyone from the US to George Soros were desperately […]