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Hillary’s “Personal” Emails Probably Hide Corruption & Tax Fraud

The talk outside the United States is how well-known analyst has found that there were massive discrepancies regarding the amount and use of donations in addition to a very significant portion of all donations have been paid as bonuses of the Clinton family. Besides Hillary’s emails, the highly questionable dealing centered around the Clinton Foundation would certainly also […]

Will the Dollar Crash at the End of September?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You seem often to be the guy with the level head when everyone else is losing it. Now we have this doomsday day prediction of the end of the dollar come September 27th to 30th, depending on the guru selling newsletters. They are focused on the IMF simply recalculating the SDR to […]

No Matter What Century, It’s Always Politics

If you look at the calendar, the months that have 31 days are January, March, May, July, August, October, and December. The only two months with 31 days back-to-back are July and August. Why? July was named for Julius Caesar. Augustus, meaning “father of the nation,” died on August 19, 14 AD, and was probably […]

It’s Time to Turn Out the Lights in Illinois

The roads in Illinois are in decay. This may be the first state to go bankrupt. The question is not if, but when. State unions are so greedy that they are destroying the very state. This is exactly how Rome fell — government employees against the people. Seven states have constitutional provisions that state employee […]

FBI Release Notes of Hillary’s Interview

Hillary has claimed that Comey said she was honest and truthful in her interview recasting the whole controversy. Now, the FBI sent lawmakers notes on its interview with Hillary Clinton about her use of a private email server, as the State Department confirmed that it will release several thousand work-related messages that Clinton failed to […]

Islam v Christianity Part II

This contest between Islam and Christianity is primarily at the elite level. The bulk of those in Turkey do not support the idea of returning to the days of old. Of course, both Hitler and Napoleon dreamed about resurrecting the Roman Empire. By no means did this same dream infect the general population. These types […]

Australian Elections Fail to Resolve Political Crisis

This weekend we had the elections in Australia. Of course, they were not on our list for the year of political hell. They sold off in the wake of Australia’s weekend election and in parallel fashion with about 5bps of cheapening across the curve. The election vote count will continue on Monday with a few […]

The Sixth Wave

QUESTION: Marty; You do realize you correctly forecast the takeover boom and the reversal in trend in 1985 followed by the peak of Japan to the day and the fall of communism with your 1989.95 peak in the ECM. Then with 1998.55 you forecast the collapse of Russia and were named hedge fund manager of […]

Brussels Proposes Ending Any Right to Vote to Exit EU

Sources are talking about desperate times in Brussels. The reaction in Brussels is never reform, but rather more draconian measures. A nine-page report exists discussing how the leaders of Germany, France, and Italy met in Berlin for BREXIT crisis talks. The solution? They want to shut down any democratic possibility of disagreement, as they know […]

Wayne Swan Rewrites History to Support Living Off of Other People’s Money

It is truly amazing how biased socialists are to the point that they just want to rob anyone who has more than they do and rewrite history to further their political agenda. Wayne Swan, former deputy prime minister of Australia, wrote a political piece for the Guardian that is total rubbish with the heading: “Cutting corporate tax won’t create jobs. […]