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Cyprus & Confiscation of Assets is Global Plan

The Cypriot politicians will remain in the Euro at least for now. They are listening to Brussels and are afraid of retaliation if they try to leave. We submitted a proposal to try to save Cyprus, but the powers that be are doing as they are told by the European Commission. There is little hope […]

The Short Dollar & The Debt Bubble

Everyone keeps touting the demise of the dollar. They seem to be unaware of the global private debt bubble in dollars and how bullish that can be. During the 1980’s, banks in Australia sold Swiss loans on the basis that was the way to save massive interest with no view of the A$ whatsoever. Then […]

“Hollande” is French for “How to Destroy an Economy for Dummies”

French President François Hollande should get the Noble Prize for providing the script for How to Destroy and Economy for Dummies. He went on TV on Thursday now saying he would make companies pay a 75% tax rate on salaries over one million euros. He is repackaging his Marxist campaign promise that he would impose […]

Russia Also Attacking Private Groups

It seems the whole world is turning against liberty, freedom, and free speech. Russia has joined the club in shutting down any private group that is anti-government. One must wonder how far behind is the internet with Obama’s Kill-Switch.  

Euro & Cyprus

The Euro closed at 12817 on the spot today. A close below 12824 will be a sell signal tomorrow. We have a Monthly Bearish at 12972 which if elected tomorrow will cause 13000 level to become important resistance for April. We have support at the 12625 area but after that we really have air until […]

Goldbug Hyperbole

No matter what the news, the goldbugs find a way to constantly talk a market up detached from all reality. One reader wrote: “Now they way they’re spinning this is that the confiscation of deposits is all being done to encourage people to take their money out of banks and thus increase the velocity of […]

The Euro is DEAD – Long Live the Cyprus POUND

I have gotten off the phone with contacts in Cyprus. Everything is getting very scary. Politicians in Brussels and Germany are clueless. They assume that since they have the power to enact a law, the people will just follow it without repercussions. It does not work like that and they have crossed the line into the […]

Are we Headed into a Mad Max Scenario?

The 1981 film Mad Max with Mel Gibson has been the subject of many emails asking what to do, should they store some food, silver coins, etc. As a trader, you always plan for ALL options so when they emerge, you know where to turn and what to do. I am diligently working to get […]

Italian Debt Auction Less Than Robust

In the United States, Wall Street opened lower as the demand at an Italian debt auction came in much softer than expected. This is starting to spark concerns over the financial health of the euro zone among those who are beginning to grasp there is a problem with absolutely no solution and the bullshit mixed […]

Youth & the Third Party

Part of the reason why the Business Cycle moves in great lengths of 51.6 years is also generational. Attitudes change with time. When the Puritans fled to America after really being chased out of England as fanatics not much different that the Muslims we label terrorists today, they brought to America prejudice, bias, and the […]