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Cyprus & the Euro

Copyright March 26th, 2013 All Rights Reserved We are on the verge of a real crack in the Euro. So far the intraday low is 128.27 on the spot and we have a Weekly Bearish Reversal at 128.24 with a GAP down to 121.37.  As always, the political forces and academic factions are unfamiliar with […]

Understanding the Euro and the Chaos it is Unleashing in the World Economy

Understanding the Euro And the Chaos it is Unleashing in the World Economy                                               Copyright October 28th, 1997 By Martin A. Armstrong There appears to be great confusion among not merely the public sector officials, […]

The Rise & Fall of the Euro

Copyright August 21st, 2011 Please register for Special Updates and Please send comments and suggestions to ArmstrongEconomics.COM Copyright Martin A. Armstrong All Rights Reserved  This Report may be forwarded as you like without charge to individuals or governments around the world. It is provided as a Public Service at this time without cost because of […]


Gold & 2013 Dow Jones & 2013 The Age of Materialism/Consumerism 2013 – The Roller-Coaster Ride of Your Life The Fate of Europe 2013 Cycle of War & Political-Economy Beware the Taxman Cometh When I Was Wrong Can the World Really Abandon the Dollar As A Reserve Currency? Virginia Investigates Gold Back Currency as Alternative to the […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference

The purpose of the Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference that was filmed for a movie is not to say gee where can I put my money for 10 years and not worry about it. That does not exist. We are facing the meltdown of society as government gets more controlling than ever in history. Switzerland was […]

Anglo-Saxon Countries Are Nuts

I am not sure what is in the Anglo-Saxon Culture but this need to control absolutely everything under the sun is seriously disturbing. Here is an actual poster from London they seem proud to display. This idea is that everything must be monitored and this is most definitely like East Germany before the fall of […]

International Law & Territorial Jurisdiction

Copyright March 24, 2013 All Rights Reserved The idea that all businesses can be ordered to obey all the laws to collect sales tax for 45 states is unconstitutional. There is NO power in Congress or any legislature to authorize a free-for-all to subject any business outside its jurisdiction to its own laws. This NOT […]

The Tax-Free Internet Shopping Era May Be Over

Taxes – taxes & more taxes. The greedy people in Washington who are no more representatives of the people than a frog can live worry free in France, are coming up with their usual bullshit naming laws opposite of what they really are to hide their anti-citizen perspective. They are introducing the Marketplace Fairness Act as part of […]

Country-Club Republican Bullshits His Own Party

House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) sent President Obama a bill Thursday that averts a government shutdown. The Republicans in the House were trying to force Obama to accept deep cuts and managed to come close to shutting down the government before and appeared ready to do so again. However, Boehner, the  Country Club Republican, has bullshitted the […]

Corruption & the Rule of Law

Sarkozy, former President of France, is now under investigation for ‘abuse of someone in an impaired state’ for receiving donations from L’Oreal heiress. This may be politically motivated for the current socialist/communist president, who should win the Olympic Gold Medal for being the fastest in modern history for taking a nation and indeed Europe downhill […]