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Cyprus & Argentina

The Dow has most likely reached a temporary top but a close below 14307 is necessary to confirm that. The Cyprus event based upon sources directly there inform us that this seizure was a directive from Europe. It is most likely inspired by Merkel refusing to bail them out because of the Sept elections. Argentina […]

The Right to Privacy

The government is moving rapidly toward eliminating paper money. Take a $100 bill to Starbucks or CVS and they look at you strangely. They say most people pay with cards. They rarely have change. From the government perspective, absolutely everything you buy and where you are is now tracked and retained historically. They no longer […]


GRISWOLD v. CONNECTICUT, 381 U.S. 479 (1965) 381 U.S. 479 GRISWOLD ET AL. v. CONNECTICUT. APPEAL FROM THE SUPREME COURT OF ERRORS OF CONNECTICUT. No. 496. Argued March 29-30, 1965. Decided June 7, 1965. Appellants, the Executive Director of the Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut, and its medical director, a licensed physician, were convicted as […]

Lies – Lies – & More Lies – Why We Are Screwed!

The Obama Budget is no more honest than Madoff’s track record. If Madoff deserved jail for life – what do our politicians deserve? Here is Obama’s budget. He wants to destroy the economy raising taxes on everything and bring down the iron curtain so not one penny can leave. He wants it all like Maximinus […]

The Real Story

Often what is reported in the press is the synthetic-homogenized version of facts it is hard to say who they are really trying to fool, the people or government regulators who as Madoff said are stupid. I have no time for such nonsense. Wild stories of grand conspiracies that claim there are people pulling the strings […]

London Whale Trade of JP Morgan

In April and May 2012 there was the huge trading losses that took place at J.P. Morgan’s Chief Investment Office that were transactions booked through its London branch. I have explained before that firm bounce back and forth using New York and London to avoid regulations. That is how M.F. Global went down. The NY […]

What About Central Banks & Gold?

Question: What about central banks manipulating gold? Answer: The incentive of government to “suppress” gold is far more realistic than private trading banks that simply look to make a quick buck. Government can try to maintain an image. Paul Volcker when he became Fed Chairman was faced with gold going to $875 into January 21st, […]

Galbraith, John Kenneth

John Kenneth Galbraith (1908-2006) John Kenneth Galbraith was a Canadian economist who moved to the United States where he taught at Harvard. Gaibraith’s books are often to be found in the best-seller lists. His most important works are A Theory of Price Control (1952), American Capitalism (1952), The Affluent Society (1958), The New Industrial State […]

Puerto Rico is Becoming the Strange Attractor

Politicians being mostly lawyers only see their power to change and make laws as absolute. They fail to comprehend that they too must be competitive for their actions alter the behavior of all. They drive capital out and attract capital in by simply being uncompetitive or competitive. Puerto Rico comes under the US mantle as […]

NYSE to Eliminate Human Execution of Trades?

The New York Stock Exchange is preparing to go non-human. Arnold Schwarzenegger is coming. The ability to execute trades without humans is really here. In reality, it can be 24 hours a day and highly efficient. Our own computer is capable of managing a portfolio entirely automatically right down to sending in orders trading even […]