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UK Raised Taxes on Families

UK attacks family benefits in taxation is starting to really impact the economy. The full broad effect of this tax hike is contributing to the economic decline in Britain. Giving benefits and then taking them back only increases the cost of administering taxation. This fails to reduce the cost of government and only amounts to […]

Taxman Cometh Up Short

Only about half of U.S. states met their forecasts for withheld taxes in February after taxpayers made last-minute financial moves in 2012 for fear of having to pay higher federal tax rates in 2013 that befuddled politicians. Tax revenues rose about 5.7% during the last quarter as people took profits and companies moved forward bonuses […]

The Real Backdrop to Deflation

There is a backdrop to the whole deflationary mode that is not really being discussed. Household income has declined by almost 5% from the high in 2007. With the rise in payroll taxes and Obamacare, this should decline at least another 5% in 2013. Meanwhile, banks and insurance companies continue to downsize shifting back office […]

Job Growth was 48% higher than Economists Expected

The economists are still failing to grasp what is taking place. The job growth that has surprised everyone is all PRIVATE sector taking the rate from 7.9% to 7.7%. This does not impact government jobs that we will start to see be reduced. This is not a fantastic number, but it illustrates how the pessimism […]

Time to Study Real Market Movement

Question: Can you clarify your statement: “German short-term rates went negative showing people were willing to pay Germany to hold their money. This is part of the whole shift in capital from PUBLIC to PRIVATE” The movement internally within Europe is is showing that capital starts to move from one currency to another as CONFIDENCE […]

More Gold Questions

Question: I understand that inflation is really the reduction in purchasing power of the $. Can you expand on your statement “Our computer is bullish long-term because gold will play catch up as all commodities tend to do. It will blast off like a rocket ONLY when everything is set.” Specifically, “when everything is SET”.  What does […]

The Slightest Uptick in Rates & the End is Near The deputy governor of the Bank of Japan admitted that if yields rise 1 percentage point and they will lose 2.3 trillion yen. This is just the tip of the iceberg. We face a tremendous nightmare. Interest rates have been brought down artificially so low to bailout the bankers, that they have really screwed […]

Interesting Questions for Gold

Question: Yet, in the meantime, should inflation surface, say in the latter part of the decade, (before a total collapse), wouldn’t gold be the place to be?  Or perhaps I should phrase the question “will inflation precede a total collapse?” Inflation is typically defined as the rise in prices of goods and services. This is […]

Understanding Interest Rates – Fed – Real Estate

One reader asks: I found fascinating your understanding of the correlation between interest rates and real estate.  By your definition the slashing of interest rates by the Fed to all time low mortgage rates did not put a floor to real estate prices but exacerbated the low in real estate.  Essentially you are saying that if the […]

Republicans Extend Gov’t Budget

The Republican-controlled House today approved legislation that will prevent a government shutdown on March 27 and blunt the impact of newly imposed spending cuts on the Defense Department. The vote was 267-151 and the Senate Democrats now hope to give additional Cabinet agencies similar flexibility in implementing their shares of the $85 billion in spending cuts […]