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Rand Paul – Filibuster – A Historic Day

Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky, began a truly old-school filibuster, speak-until-you-drop on Wednesday just before noon. This truly a historic day when only ONE Senator will stand up for the Constitution. Remember prosecuting American soldiers for shooting civilians in Vietnam? It was called a massacre. To think that nobody else in Washington will stand […]

Gold Backwardation – The Real Story

The Gold backwardation has been distorted as all sorts of reasons for everything. Normally, this is the market condition wherein the price of a forward or futures contract is trading below the expected spot price at contract maturity. Consequently, the resulting futures or forward curve is “inverted” whereby it is negative because gold is trading […]

Indirect v Direct Taxation – a Lesson From China

The SHANGHAI Daily has reported one of the greatest problems with taxation. China has been trying to curb real estate speculation. In Singapore, the passed legislation that you cannot borrow for a mortgage that would not be paid-off by the age of 65. That is at least more direct. China has imposed a 20% tax […]

Understanding Correlations

Understanding correlations is important. EVERYTHING fluctuates! There is absolutely nothing that remains constant. You MUST understand that correlations are NOT one for one, and often show changes in advance of turns. It is a lot to keep track of but this is why I try to post a global view to help you see the […]

Obama Has Created Twice As Much Regulation than Anyone in History

Just One More Regulation Will  Fix That! Obama’s regulation binge has impacted every sector. This is a man that clearly believes in government regulating everything just like Russia and China use to. In the EPA, he has done everything under the assumption man has created global warming ignoring ice core samples that prove the energy […]

China Moving Closer to Floating Yuan

China is set to use swelling offshore holdings of its tightly-managed currency worth around 1 trillion yuan $160 billion (106.33 billion pounds) to justify a landmark shift in tactics to relax capital controls. People’s Bank of China (PBOC) will abandon a time-table approach to liberalizing China’s capital controls. Instead, they are adopting a series of […]

I Just Don’t Get the Goldbugs

I was one of the three largest wholesale gold dealers going into 1980. I wrote the law making gold not taxable for the State of New Jersey stating it would not be taxed unless “converted to use” only to have the bureaucrats change that saying it was taxable because it was an “investment use” and […]

The Secret Obama Strategy

Obama keeps turning to speaking engagements blasting the Republicans and refuses to negotiate with them despite the poles show that 59% now believe he should be staying in Washington. There is another agenda going on that is becoming very obvious to real political observers. Obama is pushing the  gun controls and more taxes in order […]

French Raiding Internet Companies in Search oF Accounts & Money

The French tax Gestapo has raided the french subsidiaries of eBay, Paypal, Google, Amazon, and even LinkedIn (LinkedIn France SAS) in Paris. The French tax Gestapo over the last couple of months have raided many large US multinationals looking for money and French using their systems and emails, They fail to undetrstand all they are doing is now chasing […]

Civil Unrest & Discrimination Awaits Europe

Europe can look to the United States for its history lesson when you have a Sovereign Debt Crisis that is an epidemic among member states. The United States emerging market Sovereign State Debt Crisis of the 1839-1844 period was a serious economic event that destroyed the credit standing of ALL states and the Federal Government. This […]