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Uncompetitive France

The head of US tire maker Titan International launched a blunt attack on French productivity. He told the government that some French workers “work only three hours a day” and his company would be “stupid” to consider taking over a factory in the country. The remarks of Titan’s CEO, Maurice Taylor, addressed in a letter […]

The Untold Story of American Women Raped by Government

The gang rapes in India have shocked the world. But worse has been the revelation that participating members of the gangs have included Indian politicians. You would expect this practice to be gangs of youths. But no – politicians joining the melee? It was very common that women are being raped by prison guards in […]

No Government Has Ever Survived a Debt Crisis !!!!!

Question: Has any government ever survived a debt crisis? The answer to that is ABSOLUTELY no. This is simply how government always die and we do not speak Latin, Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Chinese, or Ancient Babylonian. They have ALWAYS, and without exception, used the same Obama Logic going on right now. They have routinely seen themselves as […]

No Government Has Ever Survived A Debt Crisis!!!!!

Question: Has any government ever survived a debt crisis? The answer to that is ABSOLUTELY no. This is simply how government always die and we do not speak Latin, Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Chinese, or Ancient Babylonian. They have ALWAYS, and without exception, used the same Obama Logic going on right now. They have […]

Gold – Never Really Made New Highs Yet

The high on gold on the AM London Fixing was $850 back in 1980. However, when we index this to the government CPI adjusting it for inflation, the 1980 high corresponds to a price of $2,305.18 in 2011 dollars. This is a far more important number than all the nonsense of fiat and hyperinflation. Gold […]

Europe in Trouble

Europe will put in the lowest economic growth in the world for 2013. The German national statistics office Destatis calculated that gross domestic product (GDP) contracted by 0.6 per cent in price, calendar, and seasonally adjusted terms in the period from October to December. The Eurozone economy contracted far more than generally feared in 4Q 2012, […]

The Leviathan Shows Its Teeth

Britain is adopting US tax law by default – worldwide income. The US position to tax citizens on worldwide income even when they do not live here was NEVER enacted by the people in a democratic manner, but rather it was purely a creation of American judges. I explained that the US banks starting in […]

The Declaration of Independence

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which […]

Magna Carta 1215 Version

JOHN, by the grace of God King of England, Lord of Ireland, Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, and Count of Anjou, to his archbishops, bishops, abbots, earls, barons, justices, foresters, sheriffs, stewards, servants, and to all his officials and loyal subjects, Greeting.   KNOW THAT BEFORE GOD, for the health of our soul and those […]

The Massachusetts Body of Liberties 1641

The Massachusetts Body of Liberties adopted as law by the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Bay December, 1641 1. No man’s life shall be taken away, no man’s honor or good name shall be stained, no man’s person shall be arrested, restrained, banished, dismembered, nor any ways punished, no man shall be deprived […]