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The Solution

QUESTION: Dear Mr.Armstong Reflecting on your thought written “Solutions” is the QE process partially accomplishing the thought of eliminating Public Debt and just print money for Government services. Federal debt of $17 trillion, of which $11 trillion is held by foreign nations. The remaining $6 trillion can be eliminated with QEs. If there is incentive […]

Manipulations & Monetary Systems

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong: You frequently discuss how markets cannot be manipulated, has not the Federal Reserve manipulated markets with Zero interest rates. As a follow-up to our exchange regarding valuations. I believe I understand your explanation the markets will increase for capital appreciation, but are you excluding that there could be price increases with extreme […]

Fed Employee Sues for Dismissal After Auditing Goldman Sachs

Carmen Segarra, a former senior bank examiner at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against the Fed alleging she was fired after refusing to alter a critical examination of Goldman Sachs. She states that during a 7 month examination of Goldman’s legal and compliance divisions, she discovered that the bank […]

Yellen – Deadlock – House

The anxiety over the budget deadlock in Washington continues to rise driving world shares down for a third day on Wednesday, though the expected nomination of Janet Yellen to head the U.S. Federal Reserve has lifted the dollar. The crisis is really that the Democrats see this as the opportunity to screw everyone while blaming […]

Here is the SOLUTION – Return to Selected Funding – PERMANENTLY

It was under Jimmy Carter in 1978 that the structure of government funding and reporting was changed. Previously, each agency had to apply every year for their budget. Then, to save time, Carter indexed them to CPI. When the CPI took off dramatically into 1980, the cost of government exploded. Now Republican leaders in the […]

Fed’s Schizophrenia

Fed’s Schizophrenia (a mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes) seems to have the unprofessional world in a tailspin where the talking heads are talking to themselves. The Federal Reserve shocked the media and the typical market investor when it announced that it would not taper its $85 billion bond buying program. I […]

Gold & Monetary Expansion

The gold price has continued to drift lower as the no-taper rally of a week ago quickly fading into a distant memory. Whether the US Federal Reserve continues its economic stimulus program unchanged adding $85 billion a month, is really irrelevant. The Fed’s balance sheet will only hit the $4 trillion mark by the end of the […]

Obama Under Pressure on His Syria Nonsense

Obama is not finding it as easy to start a war as Dick Cheney via his patsy George Bush, Jr. Three letters were delivered from Congress to Obama. They informed him that he should not go to war with Syria before Congress returns. Obama tried to skirt that issue of not consulting Congress by just […]

Market Recap Week of 08-12-2013

U.S. stocks had the biggest one-day percentage drop since late June yesterday in a higher-than-average trading volume after poor results and outlooks from Dow components Wal-Mart and Cisco. Wal-Mart earnings were $1.24 compared to $1.25 expected. So we are not looking at a dramatic impact. Nevertheless, when the cycle points down, even good news is […]

Metals Investigation Heating Up

The fire storm over the NY Bankers manipulating markets is spreading. Goldman Sachs has been the brunt of jokes such as that that aired on the The Daily Show.The Federal Reserve is also currently reviewing Morgan Stanley’s behavior in commodities markets. The CFTC has been forced to at least subpoena Goldman Sachs, and the allegations […]