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Supreme Court Allows Manipulation of Elections

I find it very interesting that because Justice Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch all dissented in denying review of the Pennsylvania election lawsuits which were clearly unconstitutional, suddenly Thomas is no longer black but called the “most conservative” member of the Supreme Court. I have stated before that the Judiciary Act of 1925 is in itself […]

Clarifying Wind Turbines

It is possible to include heating elements in wind turbines to prevent freezing. They never took that into consideration in Texas where the wind turbines probably supply as much as 10% of the power. The same problem took place in Germany. Nobody seems to have done their research into historic weather patterns. I have said […]

Wind Farms Frozen in Texas & Europe Bezos Should be Better than Gates & Zuckerberg Put Together

  These environmentalists never understand that wind turbines will freeze and solar panels will be buried in snow. They seriously think that somehow renewable energy can replace fossil fuels. Even the electric buses in Germany froze. It is bad enough that they try to reduce the entire cyclical patterns in the weather to CO2 and […]

It is Snowing in the Desert in Saudi Arabia

  It is snowing a lot in Saudi Arabia. This has nothing to do with CO2. The sooner we start to listen to great research instead of propaganda that has been manufactured to covertly allow the United Nations to dominate the world, which by the way, they have been lobbying for a Carbon Tax worldwide […]

Why Global Warming was a Total Farce & it’s Now Incorporated into the Great Reset

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, your computer and you have been correct on everything from politics to markets and even climate. You said we would be headed back to global cooling.  Was this based on the solar waves of energy from the sun? Thank you for the thought-provoking blog DL ANSWER: This is the Western Plague in […]

60% of Americans Now Want a 3rd Party – Good Bye Republicans & Democrats

Right on time, Our computer has been forecasting the political trends amazingly. I have warned that Socrates targeted 2022 as a Panic Cycle in Politics. The Biden Administration is turning the country upside down claiming climate change must be stopped instantly. Yet the severe cold this winter is also right on time as our models […]

Mitch McConnell – Swamp Creature

I have warned that Mitch McConnell is one of the Swamp Creatures. He has been secretly anti-Trump from the start. Sources are now saying that he is instructing Republican senators that they are free to convict Trump and it is a matter of personal conscience. This has been his plan all along. The elite Republicans, […]

Democratic Majority in House drops to just 5 people

Socrates had forecast a declining trend for the Democrats and their majority is so razor-thin, they have a serious problem. This is why Biden is circumventing Congress altogether and using executive orders to implement Schwab’s Great Reset. In the House, a judge has ruled that the NY-22 congressional election is finished handing the victory to […]

Federal Reserve & Conspiracy Theories

COMMENT: Hi AE….just an observation for you. Altho’ you have mentioned your disagreement with the points of view of such people as Ed Griffin (The Creature From J Island), Ron Paul (End The Fed), & Jeff Berwick (current best seller is Controlled Demo of The US), all of you are in agreement about the total […]

Myanmar Coup & Election Fraud

QUESTION: When you were in Singapore, you said that Myanmar was at political risk beginning in 2021 to 2022. Can you elaborate on the given this coup? FB ANSWER: This coup has exposed the different political responses between China and the United States. However, it was curiously lined up with a global trend whereby the […]