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The Dow as we Approach 2015.75

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Thanks for all the insights as always. Just one thing confusing me – as of October 2015, when the ECM turns down, what happens to the markets? On one blog you wrote a temporary setback in US markets, in another “It is about CONFIDENCE. As the ECM turns down, then you will see […]

The Curiosity of a Number

A lot of questions have come about the prophecy of Saint Malachy (1094 – 1148). Whether or not this is valid or made up when it was published in 1580 and attributed to him I do not know. My curiosity emerged from the number for the last Pope – 112. I stated that I discovered the ECM […]

Comment From the Medical Profession

COMMENT: Mr Armstrong, I laughed out loud this morning reading your blog. Your blog piece about how doctors (health care in general) and lawyers are peaking with 2015.75, I believe is spot on. Looking back at the past 10 years I have been in practice, the fortunes of my group do trace out the ECM. […]

Doctors & Lawyers Peaking with 2015.75 – The Crash & Burn

The two fields that are peaking with this turn in the ECM appear to be law firms and the medical industry. Both has become extremely arrogant and way over-priced. The entire Obamacare was REALLY about hospitals who had to provide care for indigent people who just showed up in emergency rooms. Obamacare was all about […]

The Sovereign Debt Crisis on Schedule

COMMENT: I thought I would remind you of this chart you produced of the sovereign crisis, today the Greeks have applied for a 6 month extension and if that is approved it finishes on the next turn date above of 2015.665. It’s unfolding on schedule again, just following your model, this is also just before […]

Gold Made it Cycle Inversion – It is What it Is

QUESTION: I do not know what is the accuracy of your model for the long term. If I’m correct, your model functions “like” the weather forecasting models, every new information is integrated to refine the results. My question is, it is possible that the real move for gold only became possible in 2017? If the value […]

Entropy – ENERGY & More

QUESTION: Hi Marty…as a long time reader and communicator of your work and with you, ive learnt a great deal since 2008/09 when i first picked up your typewriter written reports….however something has piqued my curiosity lately reading your blog posts. 1) Youve been talking alot lately about the “energy model’, i think alot of […]

What Makes me Tick? Good Question!

QUESTION: Martin, I’d like to ask you a somewhat personal question if you don’t mind (and I’m sure many readers would be interested too). The vast majority of people that seek your advice, based on your work, I’m sure are looking to make or save money; that’s all their interested in with you. I too […]

Universe without Singularities

There is another group who have attempted to argue against the theory of Big Bang and what I explained would be the Big Crunch. The entire problem in the theory is that no one seems to be able to explain what happens before the instant of Big Bang. General relativity implies there should have been […]

Ratio Analysis & the Other Side of 2015.75

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I find your unbiased view of gold refreshing. I agree waiting for 35 years is a tad too long. That is half your life if not more waiting for the chance you will be right. Now they are pointing to the Dow/Gold ratio arguing the Dow must crash to 10,000. This honestly […]