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Party Politics – Insanity

QUESTION: Marty; I see these people ranting about Trump and how outraged they are. They seem to have no problem with the outrageous amount of lies Hillary has carried out or the fact that the bankers only donated to Hillary. They seem to be mindless and beyond rational claiming he is proposing that we build a wall […]

Is Front Running Now a Crime?

The US Department of Justice has arrested Mark Johnson, who was the global head of foreign exchange trading at HSBC, and a former colleague, Stuart Scott. The two traders were accused by the US government of using inside information to profit from a $3.5bn currency deal. Of course, inside trading only is a crime in […]

Republicans Try to Sabotage Trump By Handing His Wife a Bad Speech to Read

Everyone knows these people just read whatever they are handed from the teleprompter. Trump himself has been more rouge when it comes to that. It seems that the Republicans took their shot and tried to make his wife look really bad by handing her a script that was obviously plagiarized from a speech Michelle Obama […]

Pro-Establishment Anti-Trump Elite Lose the Battle to Stop Trump on Day One

The pro-establishment, anti-Trump effort failed on the floor of the Republican Convention on day one. They were trying desperately to stop Trump as if they have any viable alternative other than some career politician to help keep the status-quo. John Kasich is an example of a career politician who really needs to be driven from office […]

Lynch is Clearly Compromised by Comey

What is beginning to surface is that there has been a rift between Comey and the Obama Administration. Lynch is refusing to answer any question into Hillary’s emails before the House Judicial Committee. She claims it would be “inappropriate” for her to answer and tells them to talk to Comey. She said, “As attorney general, […]

Comey v Lynch

QUESTION: Do you think that Comey is protecting the Democrats by refusing to indict Hillary when he was originally appointed by a Republican? Why the switch? ANSWER: Let me explain something here. I believe Comey was not about to recommend an indictment on Hillary. But Comey’s role is the head of the FBI, not a […]

Giuliani says Comey Disgraceful

Most of the people I have spoken to in the legal community are shocked that Comey did not indict Hillary. Comey clearly manipulated statutes by pretending that intent was required and claiming he could not prove intent, even though that is regularly enough to hand any jury to demand a conviction. The rest of us […]

Even Death May Not Forgive Student Loans

The student loan situation has gone from bad to worse. Marcia DeOliveira-Longinetti’s son was killed, and after death, the remaining balance of his federal student loans were written off, but not by the state of  New Jersey. The state told his mother, “Your request does not meet the threshold for loan forgiveness.” The press treats […]

Another Prosecutor Shows Comey’s Complete Incompetance-Political Bias?

Former District Attorney for the State of South Carolina and a Federal Prosecutor, Trey Gowdy, tears James Comey apart illustrating how he has simply refused to indict Hillary when there is far more evidence what she did was scathingly criminal. But the Democrats will cover it all up far worse than the Nixon cover-up of […]

Friends, Americans, World Citizens, lend me your ears

  (Adaptation of Marc Antony’s speech upon Caesar’s Death from Shakespeare)   Friends, Americans, World Citizens, lend me your ears; I come to bury the Clinton email scandal, not to praise her. The evil that politicians do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones; So let it be with Clinton scandals. […]