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Is Draghi Really Ending QE?

Mario Draghi said the euro-area economy is strong enough to overcome increased risk,  and therefore this justifies the European Central Bank’s decision to end bond purchases bringing to an end a decade-long failed experiment. The truth behind this statement is starkly different than being portrayed in the press. Draghi also pledged to keep interest rates unchanged […]

Scandinavia Receiving Capital Inflows As Well As Poland & Hungary

Just to Clarify, we are also picking up Capital Inflows from the EU moving into Scandinavia – Denmark, Sweeden & Norway. We also see money moving into Poland and Hungary which appears to be some diversification movement. What has become increasingly apparent is the mere fact that confidence among SERIOUS money is starting to realize the […]

Euro Demise – The Crash of the Euro is Inevitable

Naturally, the majority had to be wrong that the dollar was in this inevitable bear market. These prognostications were typically those who kept cheering gold higher and ignore everything else on the silver plate of politics. The implications of the Italian elections have been ignored by so many. They were a major blow against the European Union […]

Singapore – World Economic Conference 2018

The Singapore WEC is being held as we now approach the timing for the markets to make their decision. This WEC will be focused on Asia, including Japan, China, Hong Kong Peg, Southeast Asia, India, Australia, and New Zealand. Additionally, we will cover Russia for our clients who prefer not to travel to the USA. […]

Gold v Dollar

QUESTION: Hey Martin You always say that us in Europe better get our money out while we still can. I know that you recommend bank account in US but that isn’t always so easy. As some kind of alternative, what do you think about storing some gold in Asia ( Hong Kong, Singapore etc.) I am […]

War & Who is the Aggressor?

What is very clear is that the philosophy adopted by the US military post-World War II seriously threatens world peace and it diminishes the dignity of the United States. In the Cycle of War report, I provided the evidence that every single war we have engaged in has been a lie not just the invasion of Iraq […]

The Fate of Italy & the Italian Lira

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; A friend of mine worked for the central bank back in the nineties and he gave me a copy of this chart you provided to Italy on your recommendation not to enter the euro on the present terms back then. He said you were the only one with a database and nobody […]

2018 World Economic Conference

Join Us at the 2018 World Economic Conferences

Singapore: June 15-16, 2018
Orlando, Florida: November 16-17, 2018

Will the Euro Survive by 2021?

  The results of the Italian election is just starting to sink in. The rise of comedian Beppo Grillo to Italy’s most successful politician, who won 32.7% of the popular voted compared to Merkel winning 32.8% in the German election.  Following the election on March 4th, Grillo’s “five-star” party took by far the first place. […]

How Do We Really Forecast the Future?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It is obvious that you have indeed been behind the curtain for your knowledge of even global politics is amazing. Kim Jong Un is here in Beijing. You said he would back down. You said the risk of war lies in the Middle East, not Korea. Your model calls the markets. You […]