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Where to Live in the Meltdown?

QUESTION: Marty, Tks for all your help and free education services. When the 3rd world is crushed in USD denominated debt and there is a world currency reset after the pension crisis in the west/US, will Asia be the best place to be? What Asian countries does Socrates say will be best? Cheers Baldy NZ & […]

The Real Wealth of a Nation

QUESTION: Dear Martin, Whereas for years you have put in a solid 5,000 year data for arguing for no individual taxes yet in countries around the Middle East there is no income tax. Yet they have not made any dynamic economic progress as such. I mean the evidence is seen by us live. How do […]

Printing Money to Cover the Cost of Government

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I have read that Lincoln’s treasury issued “Greenbacks” to help fund the North during the civil war. 1. Was this a direct printing, issuing of paper currency, aka like your “The Solution” ? (Bill Still, creator of the money masters documentary claims such…) 2. Others claim that it was meant all along to […]

World Trade

COMMENT: Hi Marty I agree with Trump. Assembling in the U S is not sufficient. We need the supply chain parts (eg manufacturing ) in the US. What do we do when we get in a war with say China – do we submit an order to china for parts to assemble a ship? Does […]

Chaos of Weather Record Heat Wave Coming – Fraud of Linear Predictions

This weekend the forecasts are calling for a blistering, dangerous heat wave which is poised to scorch the southeastern U.S. over the Memorial Day weekend. I warned that our computer was showing a sharp increase in volatility in the weather. The winters would spike to new record lows and then the summers would spike to […]

PM Theresa May Resigns

Prime Minister Theresa May has announced that she will now step down as the U.K. prime minister after failing to win support for her plan to withdraw from the European Union. It has been shocking how she only pitched Brussels’ demands and refused to defend Britain. This conflict has been all about Brussels who demands […]

The Income Tax is Destroying the World Economy

It is imperative that we MUST eliminate the income tax. It is a purely a Marxist development that is destroying the world economy. The income tax has become such a tyranny that our liberty, freedom of movement, and world economic growth are all at great risk. Never before in the history of human civilization do […]

Where Are We in the Roman Timeline?

QUESTION: Martin, Compared to Roman timeline, what year would you say we are in 2019? M ANSWER: It is hard to say. My concern is what comes after Trump. We seem to be between the peak, which was during 180 AD and the dawn of Maximinus I (235-238 AD) who declared that all wealth simply […]

Are we Heading into a Food Shortage?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I find it really distasteful that you laid out events well in advance and then everyone copies you without ever giving you credit. There are articles now appearing about the coming food shortage. The degree of plagiarism is unbelievable. It must be dishearting. I certainly begin to distrust these people and organizations […]

The Next Major Shift in Society

QUESTION: Do you see this new age of the internet destroying jobs that result in a Great Depression as you have illustrated with the advancement of the combustion engine in altering the agricultural economy as we move into the future? What is the future for our children? Thank you KL ANSWER: Society historically moves through […]