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Why Academia Cannot Forecast Anything

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I have been impressed by your Economic Confidence Model. You said there would be no recession until after 2024. You were really the only one who said that. Now Bloomberg reported that the forecasters who “were first out of the box to predict a US recession” are now hedging their bets. […]

Trudeau – A Modern-Day Caligula?

Nathaniel Pawlowski delivered a powerful speech to the European Parliament, where he called Justin Trudeau a modern-day Caligula. Pawlowski’s father, Artur Pawlowski, has been arrested numerous times for simply speaking out against the tyrannical Canadian government. Artur Pawlowski was a vocal advocate for medical freedom and continued to speak up for the people despite threats […]

BRICS & The Gold Backed Currency Idea

QUESTION: Marty, Will the Brics launching a gold backed currency be the catalist for bankrupting 3rd world economies? Or is it rising interest rates on their debt? Tks for all the light u share in a confusing economic landscape. Cbeers .baldy ANSWER: It is unlikely that we are looking at a BRICS single currency like the […]

BRICS to Replace the Dollar?

  The goldbugs cling to everything they can to promote gold at the destruction of the dollar. They are pushing the idea that China, Russia, and other BRICS countries are developing a dollar alternative. The truth of the matter is that is more fiction. Even India’s foreign minister S. Jaishankar came out and said, “There […]

Market Talk – July 5, 2023

ASIA:   A working group of the Reserve Bank of India has stated that the increased use of the Indian rupee in international trade and capital account transactions will lead to the currency gaining international acceptance. The group suggests promoting the rupee for import and export without any limits, allowing non-residents to open rupee accounts […]

Market Talk – June 29, 2023

ASIA:   A recent report revealed that internet shutdowns in Manipur and Punjab, India, had a significant economic impact. The shutdowns cost the Indian economy an estimated $1.9 billion, led to a loss of $118 million in foreign investment, and resulted in approximately 21,268 job losses. This highlights India’s high risk of internet shutdowns, which […]

Migration & War = Deadly Disease Cycle

The border crisis that we have in the United States is part of the cycle of disease that our model has been projecting. In late May, Sarasota County, Florida, health officials confirmed that they had identified a case of locally transmitted malaria. Then a second confirmed case appeared on June 23 rd in Texas, discovered in […]

UN’s Plan to Rule the World – The Summit for the Future & End of Individualism

  Klaus Schwab is a control freak in how he runs the World Economic Forum. Make a single mistake and you are in trouble. Schwab seeks perfection and he is taking those ideas and seeking to indoctrinate the entire world. He has his young global leaders infiltrating governments around the world. We saw that in […]

Market Talk – June 20, 2023

ASIA:   The People’s Bank of China has taken steps to stimulate economic growth by cutting two key lending rates for the first time in 10 months. The one-year loan prime rate was reduced by 10 basis points from 3.65% to 3.55%, and the five-year loan prime rate was lowered from 4.3% to 4.2%. These […]

Market Talk – June 15, 2023

  ASIA:   China’s inflation remained close to zero in May, sparking concerns on a falling spiral in prices and prompting the central bank to come out to downplay worries on the economic outlook. The consumer price index rose 0.2% from a year earlier, the National Bureau of Statistics said last Friday, in line with […]