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Capital Flows as Reported by Central Banks Can Be Distorted.

The numbers for Japan in December would imply on the surface that capital inflows took place rather than outflows yet the yen declined. There are serious problems with the way  governments track capital/trade flows. They do not actually monitor anything but cash movement. This is a throw back to the fixed exchange era when if […]

Republican Party Splitting In TWO – 3rd Party Rising for 2016

Economic Conservatives have lost their representation. There is only the Marxist left and the Religious Right that care more about abortion and gay rights than the economic survival of themselves and their posterity. Our computer has been warning that there will be a huge spike in Third Party activity for 2016. There is a high […]

Let’s Get Real – Madoff for Sec. Treasury

Look! Why constantly hire lawyers and bankers to run what Madoff was doing for decades. Hire someone with experience for once. He knows how to pretend to be trading and how to run a Ponzi scheme churning money around in circles. A Ponzi Scheme by definition is something where there really is no investment. The […]

Unequal Treatment Leads to Chaos

Most people in the West have never heard of the Unequal Treaty scandal of Asia. Not merely did this result in the resignation of the Prime Minister in Japan during 1889 for being too easy with the West, but it was the justification for the rise of Communism in China in 1949 – the historical […]

Resignation of the Pope – Was it On Time?

I have been asked was this Resignation of the Pope in accordance with the cycles? Actually yes. 2013 was a  Directional Change for the Papacy. It was 230 intervals of 8.6 years. If we take the excommunication of Martin Luther on January 3, 1521, the cycle hit also in 2011.208, The year 2013 was a […]

New Study Confirms NY Corruption

Traveling around the world and meeting with governments revealed a very interesting development. Because of my confrontation with New York, everyone felt at ease to speak frankly. They all confirmed that the view of NYC is on par with some third world dictatorship. Speaking with fund managers produced similar results. After MF Global, they concur, […]

Why Occupy Wall Street is Important

All major changes in trend come from humble beginnings. They at first appear to be just nonsense or even a irrelevant novelty. Nonetheless, they are generally slow moving trends that culminate like a bull market in an explosive phase transition going into the end. The timing is typically 23, 31, 51.6, and 72 year intervals […]

Shakespeare Henry VI, Part II, Act IV, Scene II

SCENE II. Blackheath. Enter GEORGE BEVIS and JOHN HOLLAND BEVIS Come, and get thee a sword, though made of a lath; they have been up these two days. HOLLAND They have the more need to sleep now, then. BEVIS I tell thee, Jack Cade the clothier means to dress the commonwealth, and turn it, and […]

Indefinite Detention

There has been much written about the NDAA Act where Section 1021 allows for the indefinite detention of American citizens without lawyers, charges or a trial until you die. This particular Act is close to my heart since I have been told plainly it was my confrontation with the government that inspired it. In my case, the […]

Armstrong v Guccione 470 F3d 89 (2006)

470 F.3d 89 Martin A. ARMSTRONG, Petitioner-Appellant, v. Joseph R. GUCCIONE, United States Marshal for the Southern District of New York, and Marvin D. Morrison, Warden, Metropolitan Correctional Center, Respondents-Appellees, Alan M. Cohen, Intervenor Receiver-Appellee. Docket No. 04-5448-PR(L). Docket No. 05-0280-PR(CON). United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit. Argued: January 24, 2006. Decided: November 27, […]