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UK Referendum on EU membership

Last October, David Cameron defeated a bid to grant a referendum on EU membership, despite the largest rebellion against a Tory prime minister over Europe. Democracy is all bullshit. People pretending to be “representatives” of the people routinely try to prevent any election on important issues in Europe about the EU as was the case in […]

Police Used Obamacare for Criminal Charges

A man video taping police while someone is taken to the hospital has resulted in criminal charges being filed against a young man citing it is a criminal violation to invade someone’s health privacy filming police in a confrontation. This incident demonstrates how you have no rights. They get to charge you with whatever they […]

The Economic Consequences of the Peace, by John Maynard Keynes

The Economic Consequences of the Peace, by John Maynard Keynes THE ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES OF THE PEACE   by   JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES, C.B. Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge   New York Harcourt, Brace and Howe 1920   PREFACE The writer of this book was temporarily attached to the British Treasury during the war and was […]

Isolationism & Violence Is Part of the Cycle

History repeats because indeed the passions of man never change. Crack the economy and what you get is ALWAYS rising anti immigrant movements. Look at the USA version of the Berlin Wall to keep Mexicans out despite the fact they take jobs Americans do not want. We saw rising tensions in France with Arabs, London […]

The Trend at a Glance

The desperate need for revenue is tearing the world economy apart. Just as during the Great Depression nations turned toward protectionism, the same trends are emerging throughout Europe and the United States. Most nations are now imposing stricter version of work permits and entry visa authorizations. Even Singapore altered its laws last April elimination the […]

Obama’s Urgent Gun Controls?

In Switzerland, every house must have a gun. It is called national defense. If 3 people in the same day kill with a knife, do we outlaw knives? Everyone is in favor of background checks and making sure people with mental problems do not get their hands on guns. That is because any rational person […]

On Liberty – John Stuart Mill

On Liberty – By John Stuart Mill. With an Introduction by W. L. Courtney, LL.D. The Walter Scott Publishing Co., Ltd. London and Felling-on-Tyne New York and Melbourne [Pg v] To the beloved and deplored memory of her who was the inspirer, and in part the author, of all that is best in my writings—the […]

Hammurabi Legal Code 1780BC

HAMMURABI’S CODE OF LAWS (circa 1780 B.C.) Translated by L. W. King When Anu the Sublime, King of the Anunaki, and Bel, the lord of Heaven and earth, who decreed the fate of the land, assigned to Marduk, the over-ruling son of Ea, God of righteousness, dominion over earthly man, and made him great among […]

Why is Real Estate Cycle Not Working

QUESTION: I am one of your biggest fans and I love your articles and have learnt so much from them. I have been reading your articles on real estate. The peak was 2007 and we have a 26 year decline into 2033. My question is: I live in Australia having moved from New Zealand in […]

Hyperinflation v Inflation

Well naturally I get critical responses that the way everything has to collapse is only through HYPERINFLATION. I would love to see just one empire that has ever collapsed in such a manner – not Babylon, Athens, Hellenistic Greece, Rome, Venice, Holy Roman Empire or even Britain. I fail to grasp this insistence upon something that historically […]