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Lost City Discovered & a Tablet That Changes History

Perhaps it is appropriate that by the end of this month we will have another Indiana Jones movie – the fifth and probably the last. Archaeologists have discovered a 3,000-year-old lost city that some have thought was just legend. This is the largest city ever discovered called “The Rise of Aten,” which was unearthed by […]

Market Talk – July 15, 2021

 ASIA: The Biden administration has vowed to work with Australia to push back against China’s “unfair” trade practices, as the Morrison government seeks international support to fight Beijing’s tariffs on Australian wine. With the US declaring support from Australia, the Guardian reported that the European Union is also set to join as a third party […]

Why They Need to Destroy Everything

  COMMENT: I’m a Canadian and just turned 60 this year and after receiving paperwork about the Canadian Pension here is what I learned. If I take early pension at 60 I’ll receive 489. a month. If I wait till 65 it will be 760. a month. If I wait till 70 it jumps to […]

Market Talk – July 13, 2021

ASIA: The Biden administration on Tuesday warned businesses with supply chain and investment ties to China’s Xinjiang province that they could face legal consequences, citing growing evidence of genocide and other human rights abuses in the country’s northwest region. A joint statement by the State Department, Treasury, Commerce, Homeland Security, Labor and the Office of […]

Spain Revealing the Totalitarian Future for All

Spain is just putting it all out there. There is new legislation that effectively allows the total end of democracy and All freedom in Spain and this is just the beginning. Any person of legal age will be obliged to carry out the “personal benefits” required by the government, following the guidelines of the National […]

Facebook Targeting Conservatives

It is very disgusting how these people have used their wealth to try to create a totalitarian form of government as long as they are at the top. Facebook is warning people now about conservatives who value the Constitution should be censored. Facebook feature warns users when they might have been exposed to extremist content […]

Give Me Liberty of Give Me Death

COMMENT:  Distrust of public health officials may be a major factor in people refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Nearly a third of Americans believe officials are lying about vaccine safety, a number that rises to almost two-thirds among those who say they don’t intend to get vaccinated against the coronavirus. The latest Rasmussen Reports […]

Is Hitler the Model Today?

  Ironically, Hitler is the model. He turned the people against the Jews, not because they were Jewish, but he targeted the Jewish bankers first as the rich. Then that was extended down to business owners and eventually just get them all. It began as CLASS WARFARE and Hitler understood the value of language. Hitler […]

Election Fraud

COMMENT: Martin, I am an election manager (coordinator) in —- and I have been observing the election fraud situation. In the states that are at issue, there were stark similarities.  To even think that one day, lots of people woke up and used the same techniques is stupidly naive.  In my estimation as a Washingtonian, […]

Market Talk – June 28, 2021

ASIA: Washington’s effort to bring manufacturing from China to the US – so-called reshoring – is nothing but “empty talk” and the US will become increasingly dependent on the world’s second-largest economy for the foreseeable future, according to a top former Chinese economic official. Wei Jianguo, a former vice commerce minister said “The US will […]