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CNN Neither the Most Watched nor the Most Trusted News

I was on a rather high-level phone call to Asia. The commentary turned to Trump and CNN. Here the opinion from outside the country was that Trump was doing a very good job. He has started a renegotiation of trade and he is the first president to take a hardline position against North Korea which […]

The Crisis in Analysis – Is it Just Hopeless?

A new study has come out taking issue with the entire climate change forecasts putting forth that it is at best 45% as intense as the prognostications put forth. The greatest flaw is just how poor these people do their research. They are TOTALLY ignorant of any cyclical trend and project that if the temperature […]

Singapore – World Economic Conference 2018

The Singapore WEC is being held as we now approach the timing for the markets to make their decision. This WEC will be focused on Asia, including Japan, China, Hong Kong Peg, Southeast Asia, India, Australia, and New Zealand. Additionally, we will cover Russia for our clients who prefer not to travel to the USA. […]

Low Inflation with Low Unemployment?

COMMENT: Good day Martin; Regarding: Market Talk- April 11, 2018 On the Fed minutes, you stated: “Interesting as they admit they are confused as to why unemployment is so low yet there is still no inflation. I will accept the challenge and take a stab at it. As you have stated many times trade is summed […]

The Theory of Inflation is Completely Wrong

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong Firstly, thank you for your insights and forecasting. I am not really in a position to properly capitalize on them, but all information is useful. The Labour government of New Zealand is conducting a taxation review. They have called for submissions and although I realize mine won’t make a jot of […]

The Central Bank Crisis on the Immediate Horizon

While the majority keep bashing the Federal Reserve, other central banks seem to escape any criticism. The European Central Bank under Mario Draghi has engaged in what history will call the Great Monetary Experiment of the 21st Century – the daring experiment of negative interest rates. A look behind the scenes reveals that this experiment has […]

Draghi Confirms ECB Will not End QE

    Mario Draghi is by no means going to stop his Quantitative Easing program. All my sources behind the curtain express fear what will happen when Draghi leaves. Who will buy the government debt and who will keep subsidizing the governments of the Eurozone? Draghi has not merely declined to end Quantitative Easing, he has […]

War & Who is the Aggressor?

What is very clear is that the philosophy adopted by the US military post-World War II seriously threatens world peace and it diminishes the dignity of the United States. In the Cycle of War report, I provided the evidence that every single war we have engaged in has been a lie not just the invasion of Iraq […]

Great Alignment – Metals – Shares – Tangible Assets

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, I notice that the gold market and the Dow Jones they both had a high in January and since then they have been treading water, are these markets getting in sync or is just a coincidence. Also when it comes to the markets you have explained that we will always see the […]

2018 World Economic Conference

Join Us at the 2018 World Economic Conferences

Singapore: June 15-16, 2018
Orlando, Florida: November 16-17, 2018