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The Least Popular GOP Presidential Candidate

No one took Chris Christie seriously when he was the governor of New Jersey. People accuse him of turning voters to Obama in 2016 since he debated so poorly. Christie was disliked in New Jersey, so much so that he flipped the state blue when he left. He recently traveled to Ukraine to show that […]

Marines Deployed as US-Iran Tensions Rise

World War III continues to heat up as the US Marines have been deployed to the Strait of Hormuz. The military also plans to deploy F-16 and F-35 warplanes and an Amphibious Readiness Group/Marine Expeditionary Unit containing 3,000 troops. France24 says that Iran has attempted, sometimes unsuccessfully, to take control of 20 internationally flagged ships […]

The Democrats Trying to Destroy the Supreme Court – AGAIN!

The Democrats sent a letter demanding Alito recuse himself on any such question regarding the power of the Supreme Court. Once again, just as FDR tried to stack the court to turn the United States into his vision of a Marxist Utopia following Stalin after he recognized the Communists as a legitimate government, they are […]

US Credit Rating & the Sovereign Debt Crisis

QUESTION: What do you make of the US debt downgrade? Do you think this has anything to do with indicting Trump in three courts? I know many people decided to donate to Trump today, even for the first time, as a sign of disapproval of the Biden Administration and the RINOs. HJ ANSWER: It is […]

Democrats Knew About the Biden Crime Family

The story began by claiming Joe Biden had never once contacted Hunter’s business associates. There was a video circulating for years of Joe Biden bragging about threatening to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine until they fired prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, to help out his son. Trump asked Zelensky to investigate Burisma and the […]

Left Declares White Males as Most Dangerous Demographic in USA

  Ilhan Omar contends that Americans "should be more fearful of white men." — Molly ? (@mollyfprince) July 24, 2019 “Squad” member Ilhan Omar was interviewed by Al Jazeera in February 2018 prior to taking a seat in Congress. When asked whether Islamophobia was due to “jihadist terrorism,” the openly racist politicians said “our […]

The Myth of FDR’s New Deal

The victor gets to write history, and that is precisely what the LEFT did with FDR and the New Deal. You will never be an accurate analyst unless you accept that you are duty-bound to investigate the truth no matter where it may lead. The myth of the New Deal and its success in dragging […]

There is no Rule of Law

Anyone who thinks there is a rule of law in any country is a fool. When the movie The Forecaster came out, and I did a tour of major cities, I was in Frankfurt, and there was a question and answer period after the film. A woman stood up and said this is what is […]

The Man Who Will Destroy America

  Trump Superseding Indictment This is the man who will tear the United States apart at the seams – Special Counsel Jack Smith who has filed a superseding indictment against Donald J. Trump (see above). This is not a big deal. It is simply more charges on the same theories to interfere with the 2024 […]

Will They Shut Down Gold & Cryptocurrencies with CBDC?

  There is no question that the real problem here is that the financial system is collapsing. These morons have been borrowing since World War II with ZERO intention of ever paying off the debt. They are running out of buyers. Attacking Russia and China has divided the world economy, which may be the Neocons’ […]