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The Foolishness of Shifting to Renewables

Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline from Alberta, but what people do not realize is the environmentalists are out for blood. They are pushing to shut down pipeline #5 that supplies a large portion of Michigan homes the energy to stay warm. Line 5 supplies 65% of the propane demand of the upper portion of […]

GameStop – Who Done It?

  While many pundits are calling this the “squeeze of a lifetime” and a war of retail against the hedge funds, in reality, it was a PERFECT cyclical move after 13 years down. Of course, they are claiming that a band of retail are waging war against the Hedge Funds and the press is claiming […]

Where Has Our Culture Gone?

COMMENT:  A follow up to the Frank Sinatra post titled “Appropriate for our Times.” (see story) This Christmas story is deep and touching. Some people like Sinatra, are still in tune with life, no matter how much money they have, while others think they are above the world. The story has Sinatra’s friend, Jilly, telling […]

There are Many Reports from Around the World of People Becoming Seriously Ill After the Vaccine

There are way too many people suffering from serious side-effects from these vaccines. There is a lot of information coming out about these vaccines, which have been pushed out without proper testing because this was a manufactured political emergency. Thirty people died after being vaccinated in Norway, prompting international concern outside the USA of course. […]

Trump’s Impeachment Trial set for February 8th

  I always find it very interesting how our model picks up key targets in time in advance and then the fundamentals unfold to fit the computer forecasts. Schumer has just set the date for the trial of Trump to start February 8th. Our model had forecast that the week of the 4th would be […]

K-Wave – Real or Not?

QUESTION: What is your opinion on Kondratieff Waves? EH ANSWER: All those investigating cycles within the economy made a simple mistake. Kondratieff followed agriculture/commodity prices when agriculture accounted for 70% of the GDP pre-19th century. That only began to decline from 1850 forward, dropping to 40% by 1900 as the Industrial Revolution emerged with the […]

Are The Democrats Really in a Bear Market?

QUESTION: You say that the Democratic Party is on the decline but it would appear to be the exact opposite. The GOP proved to be traitors when they turned against Trump, and many people I know have said they will never vote Republican again. Also, now that the Democrats are able to rig elections and […]

Only Experience Clears the Vision

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I grew up under communism, in Romania and now have been living in Canada for more than 20 years, moving here in my 30s. We considered ourselves so lucky to be living here till Trudeau took over the reins. I’ve been following your post for a year now and I like your […]

Trump’s Farewell & Now the Great Reset & The Secret Agenda – Divide & Conquer

  CNN has done its best to absolutely trash everything Trump has ever done. They even have the audacity to write: “He leaves office with more than 400,000 Americans dead from a virus he chose to downplay or ignore” despite the fact when he shut down air travel from China the Democrats called him racist. […]

The Danger of Political Civil Unrest This Week

The Kent University State Massacre took place on May 4th, 1970. It was the killing of four students and the wounding of nine others who were all unarmed students by the Ohio National Guard. I certainly hope there is no violence this week. The National Guard after Kent State was never again to appear with […]