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Was the Fate of the Ruble Decided Back in 1998?

  The collapse of the Russian Ruble in 1998 that set in motion Long-Term Capital Management default that necessitated the first bailout of the bankers in NYC for their reckless perfect trades, technically appears to have set in motion the events of Russia thereafter. As we can see from the chart of the Ruble expressed […]

G20 Leaders Plead with Fed Not to Raise Rates

  The degree of crisis that we are now moving into is just off the charts. The G20 finance ministers have urged the Federal Reserve to “minimize negative spillovers” from potential interest-rate increases. With the collapse of the Swiss/Euro Peg, they have been stunned into the realization of cross-currency borrowing. For decades, bankers have been […]

CONFIDENCE – Always the Key to the Crash & Burn

The crisis in the Euro is leading to an extreme bubble in government bonds as central banks move to this crazy idea of negative interest rates. The attack on Denmark to abandon the peg to the Euro continues. Now we are seeing even Sweden is cutting its rates below zero. These central banks have no […]

The Dow & the Upside

  The Dow closed above a minor Weekly Bullish today. We still see this general consolidation pattern in play. The first real resistance level remains at the 18500 zone. There is still the chance that we get an early high in March with a decline into the May/June period. That would point to a rally […]

China Moving to Replace USA as Financial Capitol of World

A vital step in the shift of the Financial Capitol of the World moving from the West to the East, is becoming visible if you pay attention. Our model has revealed that the Financial Capitol of the World moves with the rise and fall of nations. China on the verge of becoming a net exporter […]

Greek Interest Rates Hit 21.68% on the 3 year

The Greek crisis began exactly on the Pi turning date to the day. Now, Greek demand for gold coins is rising as common citizens worry that Greece will exit the Euro. They have been taking cash out of the banks hoarding and buying gold coins as well according to the U.K. Royal Mint. But the bulk […]

Overall State of the Union – Unbiased Economics

As we move into 2015.75, American job losses during the Great Recession 2007-2011 have been erased, but long-term joblessness remains much higher than when Obama first took office following the 2008 election. When we look at corporate profits and stock prices, they have continued to set records, while workers’ wages remain stagnant and the home […]

The Insanity of the ECB

The European Central Bank (ECB) kept its main interest rate unchanged on Thursday, but markets are still on edge ahead of this afternoon’s press conference, at which central bank President Mario Draghi is expected to announce a “full-blown” quantitative easing (QE). “Further monetary policy measures will be communicated by the President of the ECB at a […]

ISIS Demands Money for Hostages

  ISIS now demand $200 million in ransom or they will behead two Japanese hostages. This seems to be retaliation for last week, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pledged $200 million in non-military assistance to support countries affected by the campaign against ISIS during his six-day Middle East tour. This Islamic State has now released a video […]

Does the Model Change Its Mind?

The answer to this question is yes and no. There are two entirely separate  forecasts TIME and PRICE. There are three markers in price with respect to the Dow – 18500, 23000, and then 40000. The earliest time frame was 2016. There is no guarantee that we will see the 40000 level. This is why […]