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Weekly Update

Tensions Continue in Greece Tensions in Greece mounted over Greece’s impending need for more financial aid and its plan to make additional budget cuts in order to qualify for aid.  Both internal and external pressures are squeezing the Greek government.  Hundreds of thousands of Greek workers staged a strike Wednesday to protest the anticipated new […]

Richest Man in France leaves France

France’s richest man Bernard Arnault is called an asshole by the left-wing French Newspaper Libération as Arnauld seeks Belgian nationality before introduction of 75% tax by the French Government. Bernard Arnault, who said the Libération headline was vulgar and violent. He is the head of the LVMH luxury group, and the headline “Casse-toi riche con!” which when properly […]

Berlin Conference December 1 & 2

  The European World Economic Conference Berlin, Germany December 1st & 2nd, 2012 STEIGENBERGER HOTEL BERLIN Los-Angeles-Platz 1, 10789 Berlin, Deutschland Telefon +49 30 2127-0  Telefax +49 30 2127-117 E-Mail How to Survive the Sovereign Debt Crisis, Droughts & Global Warming, and Global Correlation of Worldwide Investments One Day Sunday only $750 Two Days $1,500 […]

Bangkok November 2nd & 3rd

The Asian World Economic Conference November 2nd & 3rd, 2012 Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok 494 Rajdamri Road, Bangkok, Thailand 10330 How to Survive the Sovereign Debt Crisis, Droughts & Global Warming, and Global Correlation of Worldwide Investments One Day Sunday only $750 Two Days $1,500 or $2,000 Including 6 month Subscription to the Global Market Watch Needed […]

Weekly Update for 9/15/2012

Germany’s Top Court Gives Green Light Germany’s top constitutional court, as expected, rejected efforts to block a permanent Eurozone rescue fund.  They dismissed motions that sought to block the European Stability Mechanism but did rule that their contribution of $240 billion could not be increased without legislative approval.  Germany was the last county to ratify […]

QE3 Confirms The Economic Implosion

  Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved September 13, 2012 QE3 Confirms The Economic Implosion There is little doubt that the economy will not recover any time soon and QE3 proves that trend is in motion in addition to it being election time. The push to hunt down capital on a global scale is creating […]


The Federal Reserve has actually done something at last worthy of note. They indicated that they will provide more stimulus for the faltering economy, taking aim now at driving down mortgage rates. The Fed said it will buy $40 billion of mortgages per month in an attempt to desperately foster a recovery in the real estate […]

End of Cash

There are so called “Goldbugs” who hate my guts because I disagree with their reasoning why gold will rise and they cannot stand anyone who is a real analyst and ever forecasts that there will be a pause in the trend, I remain deeply concerned that many of these people who hate me so much […]

Economic Decline

Pessimism is building as 2013 appears on the horizon. We are likely to see in real terms negative growth with the slowdown spreading even to China. Next year wit the drastic rise in taxes and the continued lack of long-term confidence in general, we may see a decline in growth that could even dip into […]

US Preparing for Civil Unrest

About two weeks ago, the US Special Forces Command was in Minneapolis with a slew of special ops guys and black hawks, conducting “urban war games”… they didn’t advise the public, and so people were calling the police when black hawks were buzzing around the skyscrapers downtown Minneapolis, landing on the roof of the Federal […]