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Obamacare – The Investment Tax

It is truly amazing to sit back and watch the political pundits blast the Supreme Court and paint the Chief Justice as the new LIBERAL. They really seem to be blind to what is going on behind that curtain. You have to understand the political jockeying in courts. This is why judges are handpicked by […]

Banking Manipulations – A Systemic Problem

Banks have been manipulating markets, interest rates, and governments for a very long time. The present scandal involving manipulating LIBOR interest rates in Europe that began in Britain is surfacing like a soap opera evolving slowly on the political stage of life illustrating the potential to split the financial world in two like no other […]


Because of the seriousness of Germany forcing deflation upon Europe that could result in war, this fear of hyperinflation is just not warranted and must be addressed. ALL core economies simply collapse in Sovereign Debt Default. Hyperinflation takes place in the peripheral economies and is caused by the failure of capital to invest that is […]

Reality Check

Those who think Government does not control the press, read this one. They want all money to be electronic to collect taxes. They want the kill switch on the internet to shut down the only Free Press that remains. Britain is tearing apart Murdock because they have not been able to control the press as […]

Operation Twist

At the beginning of the year, we published in the 2012 Metals Report this Forecast Array showing August for a Panic Cycle and Sept as the big turning point for the year. We ran the model updating these Arrays (to be sent to those who purchased the Metals Report by Friday), and the timing has […]

The Problem With Ideals

“My first impression is that this Jason Hommel is as frustrated as the rest of us with the fact that the world (essentially US govt.) does not acknowledge gold as money. His statement:  I BELIEVE ARMSTRONG IS SIMPLY A PRODUCT OF THE AGE OF PAPER IN WHICH WE ALL LIVE.  reveals to me the denial […]

It a Shame

It’s a shame that some people are just so desperate that gold has to go to $60,000 an oz but nothing else will change so one ounce will buy 2 Chevys. In 1980 gold touched $875 and the Dow was 1,000. Under this logic, that means gold should be $12,250 right now and since it […]

Inside Congress

Congress does not get it. Banks should be banks – not traders. I retired from making markets when the model said gold would decline after 1980 and indeed it did into 1999. My view, if I had to speculate to keep the business at that level of profit, I felt I might as well trade […]

Boyd v. United States – 116 U.S. 616 (1886)

U.S. Supreme Court Boyd v. United States, 116 U.S. 616 (1886) Boyd v. United States Argued December 11, 14, 1886 Decided February 1, 1886 116 U.S. 616 ERROR TO THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK Syllabus The 6th section of the act of June 22, 1874, entitled […]


Monetary Systems – Monetary History of the World Listing of Roman Dictators Two-Tier Monetary Systems & Local Alternative Currencies A Brief History of World Interest Rates A Brief History of Paper Money Economic History + Financial Panics of the World Evolution of Economic Theory & Thought Central Banking History of the Banking Act of 1935 […]