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TAXES & the Risks Associated with The Infrastructure Deal

This bipartisan deal on new infrastructure spending that President Biden has reached this week with a group of “moderate” Democrats and “liberal” Republicans in the Senate represents a significant departure with respect to the Internal Revenue Service. Hidden within the claimed “infrastructure bill” you find $40 billion to beef up the IRS to hunt down […]

Market Talk – June 25, 2021

ASIA: Russia and China have presented a plan to build the joint International Lunar Research Station (ILRS). The proposed lunar base is intended to be ready for crewed visits by 2036 and is unrelated to the American-led Artemis program, which has pledged to land “the first woman and person of color” on the moon by […]

YouTube Censoring Putin for Disagreeing with Lenin

  Putin did an interview where he revealed what he thought about Lenin’s entire Communist movement. He made it very clear that Lenin was NOT a statesman but just a Bolshevik Revolutionary. Putin also revealed his disagreement with the Great Reset, which is following the same mistake of Lenin. This interview has been removed by […]

Defund the Police = Totalitarian Agenda

QUESTION: Why is the left pushing to defund the police and make shoplifting not a crime under $1,000? I am leaving California. It has become an insane asylum that can only get worse. I am headed to Texas. This entire movement makes no sense. You said simply remove the immunity for police violence and that […]

Market Talk – June 21, 2021

ASIA: Australia’s complaint to the World Trade Organization over China’s anti-dumping duties on wine exports should enable bilateral negotiations, Foreign Minister Marise Payne said on Sunday. The government filed a complaint on Saturday over duties that were applied last year and nearly wiped out exports of Australian wine to the Chinese market. The Australian government […]

The Real Digital Plot

  The move to end paper money and move toward a national cryptocurrency took a major step recently when the House Financial Services Committee task force expressed support for experiments to create a digital cryptocurrency version of the U.S. dollar. They argued that the United States had to keep pace with China, and in the […]

Questions: Ides of June 2021

QUESTION: Hello, re: Fauci Under Global Attack I have to disagree with your comment that China did not benefit. I think they had to have been somewhat aware of what was going on, or at least caught on early and let it happen. This was a big benefit to them, specifically with respect to Hong […]

Market Talk – June 17, 2021

ASIA: China’s economy steadied for a second month, a sign that the post-pandemic recovery is in a more stable phase and that growth is slowly rebalancing toward the consumer. Industrial production rose 6.6% in May on a two-year average basis — which strips out the impact of last year’s pandemic — while retail sales grew […]

Real Estate – Alternative to Bonds

QUESTION #1: It has become impossible to buy houses between $300-$500,000 in the Orlando area. From a realtor, he said that Blackrock is buying everything and they rely on a famous forecaster who said real estate is the only way to earn income. He said he heard it was someone in Florida. Is that you? […]

Democrats Moving to Impose Wealth Tax – 5% of All Assets

In Germany during December 1922, the last straw that broke the back of the German economy was a forced loan of 10% of all your assets. This destroyed the confidence that remained in the Weimar Republic and thereafter people withdrew the money from banks and started to convert to other currencies and to buy whatever […]