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The Central Bank

  1) The Emperor Has No Clothes: Why the Fed Has No Power 2) Primary Dealers – the Truth About Their Iron Grip 3) Dollar – The Reserve Currency 4) Is America on the Verge of Another Bank War 5) Understanding Jackson’s Bank War 6) Fractional Banking v Matched Funding   The Federal Reserve: Part I “The Creature from Jekyll Island” […]

Primary Dealers – the Truth About Their Iron Grip

QUESTION:  Martin, On Page A11 of the IBD today (5/29) a statement was made that seems to fit your claims.  It is something that having been in the business for 24 years I was unaware of.  The entire article is actually quite interesting. Please clarify the following, made in the 4th paragraph; …..BNP Paribas in […]

Executive Order 11110 – End of Silver Coinage

Executive Order 11110 was issued by U.S. President John F. Kennedy on June 4, 1963. This executive order delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury the President’s authority to issue silver certificates under the Thomas Amendment of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended by the Gold Reserve Act. The order allowed the Secretary to issue […]

Global Recap

Three regional Federal Reserve officials have called on the central bank to stop buying mortgage-backed bonds, citing the recent improvement in the U.S. housing market. Indeed, the US economy has improved and the rise in the stock market has the talking head talking to themselves in disbelief. The 800 pound monkey remains the German elections […]

When the Fundamentals are Confusing

Thank you for all the fan mail on the Dow to offset the hate mail on the metals. The objective is to expose the real world we live in and how domestic policy objectives are really held hostage to international capital flows. We are really trying hard to get everything up and running ASAP. Many […]

Inflation is Inevitable But its the Interest Rates We Better Watch

We are in one of the most complex conundrums in financial history. On the one hand we have vast amounts of cash that creates tremendous liquidity with interest rates at virtually zero, G7 finance ministers at least alarmed about the high level of liquidity yet it is becoming obvious even to them that monetary policy can not […]

Gold & A Bear Market

The possibility of a 5-year bear market and the signs that will indicate that trend are covered in detail in the 2013 Metals report. Suffice it to say, just Google dollar devaluation and you get pages upon pages of everyone swearing the dollar must collapse so buy gold. Then look at the Dow. The vast […]

History of the Dow Jones Industrial Average

The History of the Dow Index It was on July 3rd, 1884, when Charles Henry Dow first began publishing his Dow Jones Index Average. Eight months later when the index was being published daily it was composed of 12 stocks, 10 of which were railroads. Keep in mind that it was the railroads that were […]

Central Banks Buying Shares & Selling Gold?

What is interesting is that those who manage the more than $11 trillion in reserves for central banks know more than what they are revealing. Previously, on April 4th we reported that China’s debt holding in Euros fell to BELOW 7%. We have been collecting the raw data on the reserve holdings and will […]

Making Gold & Silver Legal Tender

Several lawmakers in the United States are now considering making gold and silver coins legal tender amid fears that the Federal Reserve’s monetary policies may result in a considerably drop of the dollar value. Arizona is the main state pushing for residents to be able to use bullion as rightful currency, but several other states are […]