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Asset Allocation

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, First of all I enjoyed your 2018 Share Market Report and I am looking forward to your video updates. I am one of those retired investors with a typical 50% equities and 50% bonds portfolio. In your recent blog you stated, “The biggest losers have been the asset allocation followers. They assume […]

Conservative v Trader

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I know my friend sent an email to you and is finally listening only after racking up losses. I explained how I followed you since 2015 and bought the Dow back at the end of 2015. I made almost 10,000 points and paid off my house. My family toasts you every Thanksgiving around the […]

Will Coins Survive The Monetary Crisis?

QUESTION:  Hi Armstrong, I continue to read your blog for 2 years I say and find it educational. I wanted to know what will happen to U.S. coins like pennies and nickels when the base metals are worth more than the coin value. Will the U.S. allow hoarders/collectors to exchange them for spot metal value […]

Is their a Social Cycle in Attitudes?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your article of the whole issue of prostitution. The entire problem is that some western women assume that all prostitutes engage in the profession unwillingly. That is just so biased. What about the women who marry not for love but for money. They are not forced. When the Iron Curtain […]

Mexico & the 112 Year Cycle

QUESTION: Dear Martin As usual, I have no words to thank the sincere and incomparable work that you did for us, and almost for free. People like you should be a reference for future generations. You really are a Punk, in the best sense of the word [anti-autoritaritharism, DIY, direct action..]. I’m writing you because the […]

The Mediterranean Sea Also Dried Up in the Past

QUESTION: Enjoyed your article on The Persian Gulf and climate change. In a related topic we did a field trip once to the South of Spain and saw whole cliff faces of gypsum at Sorbas near Almaria. This very thick layer of gypsum is evidence that the Mediterranean Sea had once totally dried up. One explanation is that […]

Poppaea Sabina  (30–65AD)

Bust in the Louvre Poppaea Sabina  (30–65AD) was named after her maternal grandfather C. Poppaeus Sabinus who was Consul in 9AD as was her mother. She was born probably in Pompeii based on records discovered in the excavations. Poppaea became Nero’s second wife in 62 AD. She had been previously married to Rufrius Crispinus, who was the Praetorian Prefect under the previous Emperor Claudius. Poppaea then […]

Visualizing Cycles in Your Mind Helps to Comprehend How to Respond to Events

QUESTION: Is there a way to teach cycles that will enable others to see them more easily? ANSWER: Oh yes. Students who developed visual mental models of cyclical principles flourish, while students who tried to learn cycles by rote invariably struggled. The mental picture is critical. It is a roadmap to the future. Just visualize […]

Do We really Hold: In God We Trust?

  QUESTION: I was wondering some of your thoughts on “God” and “The Creator” throughout US history? Is “In God We Trust” really a statement that if our most basic rights such as speech are not licensed by a government, then they are natural and thus come from God? Thus cannot be denied through evidence otherwise? What are the […]

Gary Cohn Resigns from Trump Administration – Good Riddance!

The drop in the market yesterday was widely attributed to Gary Cohn resigning from the Trump Administration over his tariff policy. That must be a real shock because Gary Cohn has resigned as White House chief economic advisor. The press attributes Cohn’s planned departure comes on the heels of a decision by President Donald Trump […]