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Ukraine is a Disaster, Putin is the Moderate, & Truth is the Victim

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, At first, I questioned why you were more pro-Putin than the media. But given your reliable forecasting and being renowned for your sources, I kept an open mind. Whilst it is becoming clear that Putin has been going after the people who wanted to nuke and totally invade Ukraine, the media […]

The Death of Free Speech Is the Beginning

Tunisia is actually criminalizing free speech under the claim that it is spreading “fake news” to end free speech in the country. The problem is this is the trend in the aftermath of COVID. Anything disagreeing with the government narrative is increasingly moving toward criminalization. This was the very same trend that the LEFT took […]

US Border Wall Opponents Strongly Favor Aid to Ukraine

Remember when former President Donald Trump requested $4 billion in funding to build a wall to protect the US at the southern border? That amount seems like a pocket change now compared to the tens of billions the nation has provided Zelensky to protect the Ukrainian border. As predicted, there has been a mass influx […]

The Truth About Ukraine’s Failed Counteroffensive

The American Neocons have been pushing for weapons and everything they can muster. They tell Ukraine they MUST get back the Donbas even though the people there are ethnically Russian and not Ukrainian. This would be like Mexico invading Texas, claiming it was their former border even though Americans live there. The Neocons want to […]

The NATO Crisis Pushing Us into War

  I have been very busy with the whole NATO meeting and questions coming in from important sources. Fortunately, there are some who are looking at our model’s forecast. NATO has stated that while Ukraine can join the military alliance, that will only happen “when allies agree and conditions are met.” Zelensky, who I have […]

US Sending Most Deadly of All Weapons to Ukraine That Kills More Civilian Than Soldiers

Cluster Bombs kill more civilians than soldiers and are one of the most lethal weapons that destroy any territory. More than 120 countries have signed on to an international treaty banning the weapons, which typically scatter a large number of smaller so-called bomblets over a large area that can kill or maim unwary civilians months or […]

Pence Promises War if Elected

Mike Pence is chomping at the bit to invade Russia. He became the first GOP presidential candidate to travel to Ukraine to meet with Volodymyr Zelensky. Trump, DeSantis, and Kennedy have all stated that they want to end the war immediately. No one is as EAGER to involve themselves as Mike Pence, who all but […]

The Least Popular President in 70 Years        

Every poll imaginable shows Biden and Harris steeply declining in popularity. Biden’s favorability is now lower than the past 13 presidents. I cannot imagine any sane person supporting him after what he has done to the nation in the past three years. No one can honestly say they are better off under Biden. This man […]

Interview: Living in a Coup with Massive Election Rigging & War

  Commentary by Greg Hunter: Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong was forecasting “chaos” in 2023, and that’s exactly what we got.  His cycle work says don’t look for it to get better anytime soon.  Armstrong explains, “We are in the midst of a coup.  We have all these people who have been […]

The Left is Moving to Rig All Elections Everywhere

The LEFT is now totally out of control. Fearing that they may lose against Trump and that their BS charges are so obviously political, they are now looking to charge Trump with inside trading to make him a normal type of criminal, even though this is still all politically motivated. In London, they have closed […]