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Professor Easterbrook Testified Before Congress with Real Data Showing Global Warming Ended in 1998

Professor Don Easterbrook, who teaches geology at Western Washington University, testified before Congress that climate change is cyclical. Easterbrook made it clear that he was not politically motivated or funded by any big industry. In fact, he has 50 years of experience and provided the data to support his claims. The professor has been speaking out […]

Al Gore’s Global Warming Deliberate Fraud to Increase Governmental Power

There is a serious question that no one wants to address. How did Al Gore create the global warming scare and earn hundreds of millions of dollars in the process? Before Al Gore, science was worried deeply about what we are experiencing today — global cooling. On April 28, 1975, Newsweek magazine published an article in which […]

So When Will the Yellow Vest Movement Take Hold in the USA?

The Yellow Vest anti-government movement (#YellowVests, #GiletsJaunes) began in France on November 17, 2018, when over 300,000 people across France protested a carbon tax on fuel. President Emmanuel Macron claimed the French were leading the world in the battle against climate change. The Yellow Vest protests evolved rapidly into an all-out general anti-government movement that was […]

Setting the Train Track on Fire

  So much for Global Warming. We really need to prepare for what happens if we continue down this path of colder winters. The ground freezes and it can freeze even down two-feet. That means good luck on growing anything. It has been so cold, that even the rails for trains broke in three different […]

The Deep Freeze – Chicago is Colder than Antarctica

  Chicago is now even colder that Antarctica with wind-chill factors at 70 below zero. What really astonishes me is that nature is never responsible for anything. Somehow, we are always to blame. This attitude seems to be exceptionally arrogant for we are more powerful than nature and to presume so we must assume that […]

Nothing Can be Reduced to a Single Cause & Effect be it Markets or Nature

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thanks for the Socrates forecast. Just a question. What will possibly happen to existing Tropic Belt countries like my region South East Asia when the world is turning into global cooling? Any forecast? Regards, SS ANSWER: I am awaiting their data to run it through and see what comes out. This is […]

New Governor of California Want to Tax Water

The total mismanagement and incompetence of government is just beyond description. The new California Governor Gavin Newsom presented his first state budget during a news conference, last week on January 10th, 2019. While he won bashing Trump over the illegal aliens because he care so much for families, he could care less about how much […]

Yellow Vest Movement Spreads to Australia & Poland

We are witnessing the Yellow Vest Movement now also spreading to Australia. We are seeing the rise there and in Canada also against Fake News that the media is desperately fighting Trump on who now label him an idiot in headlines. We are also witnessing a backlash against taking in the Muslim claimed refugees from Syria […]

The Coming Mini Ice Age & Cyclical Movement of the Tropics Belt Itself

We have the most sophisticated and diverse client base than probably any institution covering more than 100 countries. Our business has been constructed upon one bedrock foundation – unbiased computer analysis. These forecasts are NEVER my personal opinion. There are plenty of people who seek to argue but fail to understand it is NOT ME! Just because someone claims […]

Naples & the Supervolcano

There are a number of Supervolcanoes around the world and perhaps the most recent one to erupt was in Italy. The term Supervolcano has been popularized by the BBC and the Discovery Channel story on Yellowstone back in 2005. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), a supervolcano is any volcanic center that has explosively erupted […]