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Twitter Purges Over 70,000 Accounts

Twitter shut down more than 70,000 accounts. There are a lot of conspiracy theories from child pedophilia as initiation rituals on the extreme to “this is not a drill” claiming Trump signed the insurrection Act and will even arrest the VP Mike Pence. I have been against such nonsense, for I do not understand why […]

The False Flag – Capitol Siege?

  It is clear that the police opened the doors and stood by as they allowed protestors into the Capitol. They have now charged some police for allowing people in. That is not grounds to impeach Trump. But Pelosi is doing this to try to tar and feather him to prevent him from ever running […]

Politics & the Take Over of the USA by 2022

  QUESTION: Do you think this was meant to be like a 911 event to use against the people with Domestic Terrorism legislation? VB ANSWER: Yes. There was an effort to even take hostages and people had plastic ties to do that. If you look at this video, it was the real Trump supporters who […]

Our Super Rich Friends & Big Tech

BigTech has shown its true colors. They have been censoring conservatives to push the left-wing revolution because they have been promised, as the “SUPER RICH FRIENDS” that they will inherit the banking systems. They will no longer bail out the banks. Last March, the Fed began to lend on commercial paper for the first time […]

What Was the Capitol Siege?

COMMENT: These people posing for this photo certainly do not represent conservatives. One even has a mask. The Davy Crocket guy has the bull horn to lead the charge. Something is not right. PC REPLY: This breach into the Capitol Building was a false flag. There was no doubt about Trump supporters there. The guy […]

Military v Police

QUESTION: Why do you think he will not call in the military? DF ANSWER: Trump would not want to leave history in this context. However, if there can be concrete proof of Pelosi’s treason emerge from her laptop, then it would be a different story. However, if you look at history as a guide, there […]

Is God Dead?

COMMENT: Marty, Happy New Year and thanks for your work. It appears to me that climate change has gone past the point of no return with the Fed now targeting climate change. Do you think that an alternate analysis will ever take hold? I don’t think that severe cooling at this point will change any minds. […]

Civilization and its Rise and Fall

QUESTION: Concerning 911, you said the people in Guantanamo Bay are innocent so they never bring them to trial. Was that the break which set in motion the decline of our civilization? KJ ANSWER: That is certainly possible. Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani was the terrorist they put on trial in New York and was supposed to be […]

The Rise of China

QUESTION: Martin, Thanks for a great report on your private blog regarding population and cycles. These Great Reset people are killing the whole world! As an American who has lived in China since 1996, and has followed you since your incarceration, I am a huge believer in cycles and a student of Asian philosophy and […]

Market Talk – January 4, 2021

ASIA: The UK-based Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) said China’s “skillful” management of Covid-19 would boost its relative growth compared to the US and Europe in coming years, and China will overtake the US to become the world’s largest economy by 2028, five years earlier than previously forecast. Meanwhile, India is tipped to […]