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Julia Executed 43 AD Daughter of Drusus & Livilla Granddaughter of Tiberius Julia was the daughter of Drusus Caesar and Livilla and granddaughter of the Emperor Tiberius. In 20 AD, she was married to Nero, son of Germanicus, but by 30 AD, Nero had been banished to Pontia as part of the ambitious plans of […]


Taxation Important element in the collection of revenue in the Roman Empire. For centuries, the imperial tax system was a demonstration of the favored status of Rome and Italy, and mirrored Rome’s policy toward its prov inces and subject peoples. The government of the Republic followed the Greek model in its program of taxation, in […]

Dioceses of Diocletian

Dioceses of Diocletian Diocese was the name given to the 12 new territorial divi sions of the Roman Empire in the provincial reforms of Diocletian. The problem of the provinces had long trou bled the rulers of Rome, as governors had rebelled and had seized the throne, while the Senate had not relin quished its […]


Goths The GOTHS were a powerful group of Germanic people who played a major role in bringing down the Roman Empire in the West during the 3rd century AD. The Goths came essentially from the most northern edges of the Vistula River system, around the Baltic Sea. The Gothic culture developed as did their population […]

The Legal & Bureaucractic Reforms of Constantine

The Legal & Bureaucractic Reforms of Constantine Diocletian had started the many processes of centralization, and Constantine first embraced them and then expanded on them. First he subjected the bureaucracy to a massive overhaul. All ministries were under the command of the MAGISTER OFFICIORUM (master of offices), who supervised the rapidly centralized government. Although this […]

The Cataline Affair

The Cataline Affair Catiline was a ruinously debt-ridden patrician with a dangerously unstable character yet possessed considerable magnetic charm, to which aristocratic women and youths were as susceptible as proletarians. Catiline had been Sulla‘s agent and his record was questionable, to say the least. He held the governorship of Africa and his administration of that provence was […]


CORNELIA First Wife of Julius Caesar CORNELIA (1st century BC) was the 1st wife of Julius CAESAR. She was the daughter of the four-time Consul Cinna. The dictator Sulla opposed the marriage and demanded that Caesar divorce her. When Caesar refused, Sulla stripped him of his priesthood and her dowry. She bore Caesar a daughter, […]

George III Oval Countermark

George III Napoleonic War Issue During the Napoleonic Wars of 1797-1813, the finances of the state fell into desperate affairs. Silver and gold were in short supply and the regular issue of the gold guinea was stopped during the war altogether. It was also during this period that paper currency in England began to circulate […]

George III – 1760-1820

George III 1760-1820 George (William Frederick) III was the eldest son of Frederick, Prince of Wales, and grandson of George II. George III was born June 4th, 1738, being the first sovereign of the Hanoverian line who was actually born in England. On the death of his father, in 1751, his education was intrusted to the […]

Henry VIII – 1509-1547

Henry VIII 1509-1547 Henry VIII was the second son of Henry VII and his queen, Elizabeth of York, was born at Greenwich, in 1491. He was very early created Duke of York, and at four years of age was named Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland. He became heir apparent on the death of his elder brother, Prince Arthur, in […]