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Foreign Investment into Canada Has Collapsed by 26% in 2017

Foreign direct investment into Canada has absolutely plunged during 2017 to the lowest since 2010. There has been an effort to stop the sale of any property to foreign investors mainly from China. On top of that, there has been also a collapse in capital investment into the oil industry. There are fears also rising […]

Swedish Central Bank Voices Alarm

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Yesterday the Swedish Riksbank Chairman Stefan Ingves went on prime time TV expressing fear that public authorities are losing control over the Swedish currency! He also on prime time TV asked rhetorically -We have asked our self what is money?! Can you believe that!? What the heck is going on? The Chairman […]

Cryptocurrency – Is There a Total Risk of Loss?

Source: Wikipedia QUESTION: Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum and a co-founder of Bitcoin Magazine, said on Twitter. “Reminder: cryptocurrencies are still a new and hyper-volatile asset class, and could drop to near-zero at any time.” He said: “Don’t put in more money than you can afford to lose.” Do you agree with him? It seems […]

Britain’s New Law UNEXPLAINED WEALTH ORDERS Targeting the Rich

From January 31st, 2018, the UK authorities have a new power. They can now use new and expansive investigative authority to require both individuals and corporate bodies to provide information as to how they acquired property. Known as Unexplained Wealth Orders (“UWOs”), which is another step toward tyranny all because governments are totally incapable of managing their […]

Market Talk- Feb 19, 2018

Even though much of Asia remain on holidays celebrating the New Year, we did see the impressive broad based rally continue. The Nikkei rose another 2% and with commodities improving also, that helped the Australian ASX. The Yen drifted back to the mid 106’s and that helped the exporters push the Nikkei. This has been […]

Gun Control & What’s Wrong

  The entire problem with control has been focused upon if someone is a criminal. While they have tried to paint Cruz as a racist against blacks and Muslims, he killed indiscriminately with no such selection process. Such stories do little to prevent something like this in the future and create criteria that ignores the […]

Why People Hate? Is It for only Three Reasons?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I find it astonishing that there are people who really hate you to the core. Nobody has been a greater forecaster than you and because of that, they attack you. Your forecast on the Dow and then you come out and say here is the high and it then starts to crash, […]

Superbowl LII – Can a Model Ever Be Created?

  Well, Superbowl 52 is here and it promises to be the coldest one ever – no doubt caused by Global Warming.  Since Superbowls began in 1967, we are setting a new record. My daughter told many people at the conference how I had just flown back from Europe and she was in the hospital just […]

Why are We All So Confused?

The three major distinctions in following what we do boils down to Multidimensional analysis merged with TIME and then PRICE. The Arrays give us a good sense of TIME where things come into the window of possibility. Understanding that we are dealing with TURNING POINTS and not specific events is critical. For example, the three major turning […]

“The Forecaster” Film

  Now Available on DVD   IMBD Summary: “The story of finance whiz Martin Armstrong reads like a movie script: a man designs a model that can predict the future. He calculates developments in the world economy with eerie accuracy and even the outbreak of wars… Until the FBI is on his doorstep and he […]