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The Left is Moving to Rig All Elections Everywhere

The LEFT is now totally out of control. Fearing that they may lose against Trump and that their BS charges are so obviously political, they are now looking to charge Trump with inside trading to make him a normal type of criminal, even though this is still all politically motivated. In London, they have closed […]

US Households Paid an Additional $10K Under Biden Regulations

University of Chicago professor Casey Mulligan recently compared regulatory records from the Obama Administration to now. Mulligan found that Biden has imposed the most costly regulations in recent history at a rate of $617 billion annually. Her research concluded that the average American household now pays $9,600 more under Biden. This uptick in spending found […]

Ukraine & Russia Coup

Kiev’s Great Offensive has been unimpressive, to say the least.  Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov has claimed that he has yet to deploy the bulk of its Western-trained forces he keeps in reserve for this much-touted counteroffensive against Russian forces. They have only been able to capture a few small villages quite some distance from […]

The Stolen Election – 2004

During a recent interview, Robert F. Kennedy was criticized for claiming that the presidential election was rigged. The interviewer became silent when Kennedy corrected him by saying he never commented on the 2020 US Presidential Election. Instead, Kennedy had been vocal about George W Bush stealing the 2004 election. It does not matter if someone […]

Over Half of Democrats Want Biden to Debate RFK

The people demand to see a debate between Robert F. Kennedy and Joe Biden. Why should we reappoint someone to the highest political office without hearing their views? Biden is not in any mental state to debate a brick wall. Still, a Trafalgar Group survey shows that 77.5% of all voters want to see Kennedy […]

RFK Fund Raising Becoming Interesting

Thank you for supporting my campaign! ?? #Kennedy24 — Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) June 27, 2023 I have been getting a lot of emails from Europe and Asia asking if they can donate to RFK’s campaign. The fact that so many are asking that question is in itself interesting. I have never received […]

Hunting and Fishing Bans

The Biden Administration is making sure Americans turn to lab-grown fake meat by placing restrictions on fishing and hunting. They do not want us to live off the land or have access to free food. Big government will provide everything you need. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) issued its 2023-2024 hunting and fishing […]

The Collapse in Confidence of US Government is Here

Despite the cheering from the Washington Post, CNN, NY Times, the rest of the anti-Democracy press, and all the Democrats who were brainwashed into thinking Trump really won only because of Putin in the Hillary version of conspiracy theory (misinformation), what they have unleashed is the international collapse in confidence of the United States. Ever […]

UN’s Plan to Rule the World – The Summit for the Future & End of Individualism

  Klaus Schwab is a control freak in how he runs the World Economic Forum. Make a single mistake and you are in trouble. Schwab seeks perfection and he is taking those ideas and seeking to indoctrinate the entire world. He has his young global leaders infiltrating governments around the world. We saw that in […]

Pentagon: $6.2 BILLION in Ukraine Aid Missing Due to Accounting Error

The nation was distracted by the 24/7 news coverage about the submarine that went missing while cruising around to see the Titanic. It seems that there is always a big news story put forth on days when undesirable information is released. We know the entire conflict in Ukraine was planned many years ago (see: “The […]