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Britain to End Freedom on Movement with EU Citizens

Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain has made it clear that Britain will not accept retaining the EU free movement of EU citizens after the exit. Even traveling from Brussels to London, before BREXIT, they did not recognize Schengen Agreement for free travel. People fron Eastern Europe with a Shengen visa did not have access to […]

WHY 2017 is The Threshold to Chaos

I have been warning that 2017 was the Year of Political Hell with four major referendums/elections that would undermine the confidence in government – BREXIT, US Presidential Elections, French Elections, and Germany Elections. These four events hold the potential to overturn the expectations of the future. Whatever the general public felt about government would flip. The […]

Le Pen vows to hold French referendum on Leaving EU – FREXIT

Hollande is running only around a 10% approval rating. Merkel’s CDU came in third place in her home state. Things are a moving and shaking as they say in Europe. Indeed, get ready for 2017 will be the tipping point in markets as a whole. The refugee crisis has indeed changed the face of Europe […]

Market Talk – September 5th, 2016

After Fridays Payrolls release we saw Asian futures reflect a solid performance which was carried into the cash indices this morning. The Nikkei lost a little of the futures euphoria but still closed up 0.7% and the highest close in over 3 months, the JPY gained 0.55% rejecting the 104 handle and closing closer to 103 instead. […]

The Road Ahead

I am receiving tons of emails from amazed readers who are congratulating me on our model that forecast a rise in third party activity from Europe to Asia. This rise is becoming obvious everywhere around the globe as a new era of anti-establishment. I showed this chart of the number of European separatist movements back at […]

Do I think Hillary Will Win? Buckle Your Seats – This Will be Worse than You Thought

  When it came to BREXIT, the computer correctly forecast that the leave side would win and there would be a big turnout. I personally stated that I “believed” they would rig the election as they had done with every other European election from Austria and Scotland all the way to Italy and Spain. I […]

Market Talk – August 18, 2016

Exporters within the Nikkei weighed heavy on the index today eventually closing down 1.55% at 16,486. Watching the JPY trade below par was no surprise the likes of Mazda, Toyota and Nissan all traded around 2% lower. Exports for July were the worst seen in seven years down nearly 25% YoY. China played in a […]

Market Talk August 16th, 2016

The strength of the JPY had a large impact on the Nikkei today’s and as it broke par then the Nikkei was hit closing down around -1.7% in all. Exporters are always hit when the currency strengthens and it is not clear which is leading which just yet. Both the Shanghai and Hang Seng were a little […]

Market Talk – August 15, 2016

Marginally disappointing as far as Japan is concerned, but having just seen Q2 GDP at zero (against estimation of +0.2%) already called down from the 0.5% seen in Q1, it was no surprise the market was torn today. The strength of both the Shanghai and Hang Seng lifted sentiment more than prices which certainly gave […]

Hillary from a Supporter

  I landed in Tampa and called UBER. I got an older woman who was very much a Hillary supporter. I engaged in a conversation not to try to change her mind, but to listen to her reasoning. It was fascinating how she took the position Trump would start a war by insulting people and […]