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Blaming Humans for Everything

COMMENT:  Hi Martin, while I concur with your views that humans are taking too much “credit” for climate change, I can’t say I agree with the chart you posted attributing such minimal reduction in CO2 values to eating a plant-based diet. The fact that eliminating meat from diets gets NO attention from the “it’s all […]

Having Children causes Global Warming as the leading cause of 58.6%

I understand some people just don’t want to believe that all this Global Warming is a ploy because they know the bulk of society is just too stupid or naive to understand they are being manipulated. A number of people do not want to believe the secret agenda is to reduce population growth. Here it is […]

Clash between Catastrophe and Uniformity – The Global Warming Conspiracy

Woolly Rhinoceros Climate Change has existed throughout the history of our planet. When a Woolly Rhino was discovered frozen in Siberia intact back in 1774, that is the event that shook the scientific community. I have called this the Clash between Catastrophe and Uniformity which has produced an emotional issue corrupting scientific research for centuries as […]

Justinian I (527-565AD)

Monetary History of Byzantium    JUSTINIAN I 527-565AD Justinian I (c. 482 – November 14, 565AD), came to the throne following his uncle, Justin I. He ruled for nearly four decades and during his reign, he sought to restore the Roman Empire by retaking Western Europe and Northern Africa. Justinian was partially able to recover […]

Scientists Want to Synthetically Create a Volcanic Winter – Are they Just Nuts?

  Believe it or not, pretend Scientists are actually proposing to create a synthetic Volcanic Winter by spraying sun-dimming chemicals into the Earth’s atmosphere the same as a volcanoe when it erupts. These pretend research scientists at Harvard and Yale universities have published in the journal Environmental Research Letters proposing to inject an aerosol (SAI) to […]

The Realist View of the Midterms

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your take on the midterm elections is that the Democrats really failed and simply won a symbolic victory? Thank you IE ANSWER: Yes. The Democrats keep making lower highs and deeper lows. They do not review the major trend nor are they willing to revise their central theme.  While the Democrats won the majority […]

Forget the Doom & Gloom – It’s Not That Bad

QUESTION: Martin, I know things are dark, but you are becoming down right gloomy. If the world is falling apart in Austrialia, Europe, Japan and ultimately the USA, there must be somewhere, or somewheres, the computer says things will be great in, or get better in. Where to go now? China right now, no thank you. […]

There Are Two Types of Pole Shifts & We Seem to be on Course for an event Faster than Most Ever Believed

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I agree that something seems to be changing faster than perhaps we might have expected. Is there anything that points to how fast a pole change might actually take place? How long do such events last? Is that a permanent change? Thank you for a most thought-provoking blog PD   ANSWER: First of all, there […]

Global Warming & Pole Shifts

QUESTION: Hi Martin. I see that you have reported a lot about the coming global cooling. Here in Scandinavia, we had a warm and dry summer, the warmest and dryest in about 250 years. Is there an opposite reaction to the global cooling here in Scandinavia? regards, TK ANSWER: No. What is happening is clearly climate […]

Global Warming – Court Orders – Pathetic Analysis

  In the Netherlands, the high court has now ordered the Dutch Government to cut greenhouse gases by 25% before end 2020. The court called it a Violation of the duty of care pursuant to articles 2 and 8 ECHR. The state must now further reduce greenhouse gases. Then we have the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change […]