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The Malthusian End – 2022

  This is a presentation in German which is about one hour. Its proposition is that the leaders of the G20, the Rockefeller and Gates foundations have been conspiring to take over the political system for about 30 years or more. It states that the Government conspiracy went into high gear in 2017. This was […]

Republicans Democrats & 3rd Party

QUESTION: You never said that the Republicans would split only the Democrats. Has something changed? SD ANSWER: No. The Democratic split is different. That is a party of highly diverse beliefs. You have the middle-of-the-road Democrats who want Pelosi gone. She represents to them the radical California contingent – as the call it. There are […]

Is a 3rd Party Inevitable?

  Not one major news outlet carried Trump’s address on the fraud in the election. Every outlet swears there is no evidence of fraud as if they are even believable anymore. Trump expanded the base for the Republicans which included African Americans who saw through the propaganda as did Hispanics. Trump proved that lowering taxes […]

The Markets into the Chaos

by Charles Bragg (1931-2017)  The markets have been dominated by the elections and COVID. The future is clearly being dictated by what is taking place politically on a global scale. When we look around the world we clearly see that even the German share market is positioning itself as an alternative to bonds. The commodities […]

The Great Conjunction Next Week

  Numerous people always ask if astrology is incorporated into Socrates. The answer is no. From what I can say is that what I see is a complex network of numerous variables that keeps the global economy functioning. Trying to say that something will happen in the market because of a planetary convergence that people […]

The Chaos of Politics – Economy – Markets

QUESTION: Socrates forecast that the Democrats were declining in the combined house and senate. That seems to be correct given the sharp losses in the house for the democrats. The presidential election seems to have turned on just four cities, Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta. Even assuming the vote was real, it looks like your trend […]

The Strange Election Looking Forward

Our computer forecast that this would be a sharp rise in voter turnout. The turnout for this 2020 election shattered previous highs, including 2008 when Barack Obama defeated John McCain, 1960 when John F. Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon, and 1908 when William Howard Taft defeated William Jennings Bryan reaching 66.2%. That came out to just […]

Is the Press Cheering the End of Freedom?

COMMENT FROM GERMANY: Back then during the days of the Berlin Wall, it was still possible to circumvent a wall with the audacity of some really bold guys…Today in a state of full surveillance it may be quite impossible…Certain virtues are totally gone. Today I am reading in DIE ZEIT the suggestion to make the vaccination […]

Analyzing Bitcoin

  A number of people have asked for a confirmation of the array analysis. Here you can see that the Turning Point was November, and then we have Jan/Feb. Not that we have back-to-back Directional Changes in November and December. Whenever the Directional Change aligns with the Turning Point, that is a very important combination […]

Why is Washington Post & New York Times Always Anti-American?

The real problem with socialism/communism is a simple refusal to understand the business cycle. Indeed, communism collapsed for the very same reasons they seem to hate capitalism. The comment published in the Washington Post actually admits that there were busts long before capitalism. “There were calamities and injustices long before capital, and I’ll venture to […]