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The Democrat’s Plot Against Americans

The coup that has been waged from the left against the right is an all-out global political war. They succeeded in bringing Germany to its knees and surrender its culture of austerity. Here in the United States, the Democrats have coordinated with these dark forces seeking not only same-day registration to allow illegal aliens to […]

Anti-Semitism, Christianity, Confiscating Assets, Banking Conspiracies & Capitalism

QUESTION: You seem to always be against conspiracy theories except that it always comes down to government against the people. Why are most of the bankers Jewish? Do you have an explanation for that? JE ANSWER: If you simply knew your history you would realize that both the Catholics and the Arabs maintained it was […]

Is Anthony Fauci the Destroyer of Worlds?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you very much for your dedication and hard-work educating those people that are willing to listen. Thank you for being here with us during these turbulent times and being that beacon of light we need so desperately. When do you foresee this chaos to end? People are afraid and are acting really […]

Europe to Confiscate Gold?

QUESTION: Marty, the gold buyback quote at ….. is now spot + $20. A week ago the quote was spot + $2. Supply & demand? Shortage of 1 oz random year golden eagles? What’s going on? Thanks for your prolific post output during this crisis! Cheers, TGM ANSWER:  Europe has directed bullion dealers not to […]

Beware of Capital Controls

QUESTION: Sehr geehrter Herr Armstrong,ich kann mich noch daran erinnern, daß Sie empfahlen ein Konto in den USA zu haben. Ist diese Empfehlung unter den besonderen Umständen noch aktuell? Was denken Sie über den australischen oder neuseeländischen Dollar oder ein Konto in diesen Ländern? Ich versuche als Ehemann und Vater ruhig zu bleiben und harre […]

Why the Quantity Theory of Money is Destroying Capital Formation

There is no question that the fundamentalists #1 Golden Rule has been when stocks crash, run to bonds. We are entering the collapse in public confidence and this is BEYOND the central banks despite the massive attempts to intervene. Keynesianism is DEAD!!!! We have entered uncharted territory which is the darkest fears of academics for […]

Never Give Your Money to a Fundamentalist!

COMMENT: You mention Dalio saying cash is trash. Did you happen to see them ask Tudor Jones about those comments only an hour after in Davos as well? He pretty much ignored the question as they are “friends” but you could tell he disagreed. I’ve watched other interviews with both of them together and is […]

Market Talk – March 18, 2020

ASIA: The Indian Bank Association had an emergency meeting on Monday evening to explore ways to lend a helping hand to businesses hit by the COVID-19 outbreak. During the video conference meeting called on short notice, they discussed possible credit lines and special benefits that could be given to certain sectors such as transportation, travel […]

The Global Market Watch Forecast on the Dow

QUESTION: Marty; it all seems to be setting up for your forecast back to new high into 2022. Even the inflationary wave seems oddly reminiscent of 1979 with people hoarding toilet paper again. Is everything still on track? AD ANSWER: Yes. As you know, the Global Market Watch is dynamic. So the yearly will change […]

Market Talk – March 16, 2020

ASIA: The Indian government on Monday prohibited entry of passengers from European Union (EU) countries, European Free Trade Association, Turkey and the United Kingdom into India as a step to combat the spread of COVID-19 in the country. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) said in a circular that no airlines shall board passengers […]