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Belarus Votes to Change Constitution & Deploy Nuclear Weapons

I do not know what to say anymore. Biden is mentally incompetent to lead the world no less the United States. He could not find a lifejacket on a sinking ship. Belarus has now voted to change its constitution and deploy nuclear weapons. China entered a new arrangement with North Korea and they shot off […]

The West’s Response to Russia Will Cause Energy Prices to Rise

On February 10, President Joe Biden stated that he would “work like the devil to bring gas prices down.” That was short-lived. By February 22, Biden announced that gas prices will continue to rise. “Defending freedom will have costs for us as well, and here at home. We need to be honest about that,” Biden […]

World War III Beginning Stages Now

I have been warning the West should not mess with Putin. It is so obvious that the West has made the same fatal mistake as that of Rome. It has weakened its economy with COVID and it is so obsessed with trying to force Russia and China to comply with their Climate Change directives set […]

Market Talk – February 25, 2022

ASIA: Singapore has raised concerns with India about its ban of popular gaming app “Free Fire,” owned by technology group Sea Ltd, in the first sign of diplomatic intervention after the move spooked investors, Reuters reported. After the ban, the market value of the New York-listed Southeast Asian firm dropped by $16 billion in a […]

Market Talk – February 24, 2022

ASIA: Asian stock markets plunged and oil prices surged Thursday after President Vladimir Putin announced Russian military action in Ukraine. The Shanghai Composite Index lost 0.9%, and the Nikkei 225 in Tokyo sank 2.2%. The Hang Seng in Hong Kong tumbled 3.1%. Oil prices jumped nearly $3 per barrel on unease about possible disruption of […]

Market Talk – February 23, 2022

ASIA: China will unveil bigger tax and fee cuts this year and step-up payments to local governments to offset their hit to revenues, Finance Minister Liu Kun said on Tuesday, amid efforts to support a slowing economy. China’s strong economic recovery from its sharp pandemic-induced slump started losing momentum in the middle of last year, […]

Armstrong v Schwab

While Nigel Farage spoke at our 2019 WEC in Rome, he said he came because our events were the “alternative to Davos.” For years Schwab and I have been on opposite sides of the table. The stark difference between myself and that of Klaus Schwab boils down to the divergence in economics between Adam Smith […]

Volodymyr Zelensky – The Man Intent on Creating World War III

After Viktor Yanukovych was removed from power in early 2014 during the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution, the chairman of parliament Oleksandr Turchynov was appointed to the role of acting president. The Ukrainian people were very upset for they believed that there would be no real change. You MUST draw a line between what the people did and what the […]

Market Talk – February 22, 2022

ASIA: India and the United Arab Emirates signed a broad trade and investment pact on Friday that will eventually cut all tariffs on each other’s goods and aims to increase annual trade between the two nations to $100 billion within five years. The virtual signing ceremony marks the first trade deal sealed by the Gulf […]

Market Talk – February 18, 2022

ASIA: India’s imports of oil from Iraq surged in January to a 29-month high of about 1.3 million barrels per day (bpd), making up nearly a third of the supplies to Asia’s third-largest economy, data from shipping and industry sources show. India imported 4.6 million bpd of oil in January, a decline of about 1% […]