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The Shifting Trends in Germany

QUESTION: Hello Martin, Thank you very much for opening my eyes to what is going on in the world. As you well know the public here in Germany is not informed about any problems concerning pensions, banks, economy or trade whatsoever, so most of the people I have spoken to are convinced that “we have never […]

Evidence of International Trade from the 12th Century

Some Archaeologists in France with the National Center for Scientific Research announced that they have unearthed a hoard of 2,200 silver deniers and oboles, 21 Islamic gold dinars, a very impressive gold signet ring from the Abbey of Cluny, located in Saône-et-Loire, reported by Mining. While they have claimed this is the largest hoard and seem […]

Soros Throws in the Towel

COMMENT: Marty; You have beaten Soros. Don’t know if you have seen this, but they now report “George Soros finishes his crash bets against the US stock market. The investor legend seems to have lost its way and acts with little fortune. Now he has to reveal himself.” PC REPLY: Interesting. Soros became famous with the bet […]

Société Générale Announces Major Reduction in Staff & Branches

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Your warning about the European Banks has come to a head today. Société Générale has announced it is closing 300 branches and firing 3450 staff. Everything you have been saying is proving to be correct when nobody else seems to even discuss the matter. I hope you come back to Paris. A […]

The Hidden Risk of Broker/Clearer

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for your work in “educating” us in your “University of the Conscious Investor”! My question relates to your “Trading a Vertical Market” report. I am slowly digesting this report which is truly fascinating and a must read for any rational minded investor. My experience tells me (and you have reaffirmed […]

Banking Insurance – The Real Risk Behind the Curtain

  COMMENT: I’m sure you are aware but just highlighting that the ‘Assumption’ goes deeper than personal bank accounts, as this is ALSO the assumption taken by the clearers too! They assume that if one CCP fails then the others just pick it up. Obviously, given that then the stress tests are taken just for one bank […]

Warning About People Soliciting Money for Trading

It has come to our attention that there are individuals soliciting clients for money to trade on their behalf claiming they have mastered our system and will use it. These people have NEVER managed money and handing them money is no different than asking a cab driver to conduct surgery on you because he sounds like […]

The Coming Pension Rehabilitation Administration

  Remember the S&L Crisis, well welcome to the Pension Crisis. It is becoming well known behind the curtain that we have a global pension crisis. I first reported this event more than 15 years ago. This at the WEC, we had more than 10 major pension funds attending from around the world. The crisis has […]

Draghi Knew About Hiding Losses by Italian Banks

The Bank of Italy, when it was headed at the time by Mario Draghi, knew Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA hid the loss of almost half a billion dollars using derivatives two years before prosecutors were alerted to the complex transactions, according to documents revealed in a Milan court. Mario Draghi, now president of […]

The Saudi-Iran Brewing War

The turmoil in the Middle East has been instigated in part by fiscal mismanagement. When the money was rolling in with high oil prices, it was assumed, as always, that whatever trend is in motion will remain in motion. Consequently, the government expanded their spending assuming money would continue to flow in. When oil broke, […]