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Licinius I – 308-324 AD

Licinius I 308-324 AD Valerius Licinianus Licinius was born in Upper Moesia sometime during the middle of the 3rd century AD. Licinus began with a career in the military which eventually proved to be quite fruitful. He served under the Emperor Galerius rising to the position of a trusted lieutenant and even became a friend of the […]

Alexander – 308-311 AD

L. Domitius Alexander 308-311AD Prefect of Africa L. Domitius Alexander was the Prefect of Africa who led a revolt in 308AD against the tyranny of the Italian usurper Maxentius in North Africa. Maxentius’ position was unanimously declared illegal by the Tetrarchy at the Carnuntum Congress, where they also advised him to be a public enemy. The parts […]

Maximinus II – 309-313 AD

Maximinus II As Caesar 305-308 AD As Filius Augustorum 308-309 AD Augustus 309-313 AD Galerius Valerius Maximinus II was a young nephew of the Emperor Galerius, who clearly helped him along with the intension of one day becoming his heir. In 305 AD, Diocletian and Maximianus retired from public officie laying down their ranks as Augustus. Their successors […]

Carausius – 287-293 AD

Carausius Usurper of Britain 287 – 293 AD Marcus Aurelius Mausaeus Carausius was a man of humble origin who came from Menapia, an area in Belgium. Nevertheless, he rose through the ranks due to a distinguished career. Carausius gained much fame for his military skills during in the campaigns under Emperor Maximianus (286-305AD) against the Franks and the […]

Severina – Wife

Severina Empress 270-275 AD Wife of Aurelian Little has come down to us throughout the ages about Severina other than her fairly extensive series of coinage. The evidence suggests that she was a major influence in her husband’s life particularly so since she was honored by Aurelian on almost every denomination issued by the mints […]

Domitianus – 268 AD

Domitianus Gallic Usurper circa 268 AD Gaius Domitianus was a usurper known from several sources. He is said to have been the victor over the Emperor Macrianus. However, it has also been suggested that Macrianus was defeated by Aureolus, the rebel general of the siege of Milan (see Gallienus). After his victory (over someone), Domitianus […]

Regalianus – 260-261 AD

Regalianus Antoninianus overstruck on silver denarius 260 AD P. Gaius Regalianus was a native of Dacia and may have been a descendant of Decebalus, the famous king of Dacia who Trajan defeated. Regalianus was married to Sulpicia Dryantilla, daughter of Sulpicius PoIho, for whom he also struck coinage in addition to himself. Regalianus was a […]

Salonina – Wife

Salonina Wife of Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD Cornelia Salonina Chrysogone was the wife of Emperor Gallienus and the mother of Valerian II andSaloninus. She was married to Gallienus around 249 AD. Salonina is said to have been a virtuous and intellectual woman. Unfortunately, she was murdered with her husband in 268 AD at the siege […]

Gallienus – 253-268 AD

Gallienus 253 – 268 AD Publius Licinius Egnatius Gallienus was the son of the emperor Valerian I. Gallienus was raised to the rank of co-emperor (Augustus) soon after his father was hailed Augustus by his troops. At the same time, Gallienus’s son, Valerian II, was given the rank of Caesar. In 254 AD, Gallienus was charged […]

Valerian I – 253-260 AD

Valerian I 253-260 AD Pubius Licinius Valerianus was a man from a respected Roman family, Valerian had held various offices in the government during the reign of Trajan Decius (249-251AD). At the time of the revolt of Aemilian (252-253AD) against the emperor Trebonianus Gallus (251-253AD), Valerian was summoned to bring his army drawn from garrisons stationed on the Rhine. Aemilian […]