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Trajan – 98-117AD

Trajan Emperor, 98 – 117 AD Born 52 – Died 117 AD, Age 65 Marcus Ulpius Trajanus was born in Italica in Spain about the year 52 AD. His family was originally from Umbria in Italy. His father, of the same name, was a senator and had served as consul. He was also governor of […]

Domitian – 81-96AD

Domitian Emperor, 81 – 96 AD Born 51 – Died 96 AD, Age 45 Titus Flavius Domitianus was born in Rome on October 24, 51 AD, the son of Titus Flavius Vespasianus and Flavia Domitilla. He was the younger brother of Titus. During the reigns of his father and brother, Domitian was kept very much in the […]

Titus – 79-81AD

Titus Emperor, 79 – 81 AD Born 41 – Died 81 AD, Age 40 Titus Flavius Vespasianus Junior was the elder son of Vespasian and Flavia Domitilla. Titus was born in Rome on December 30th, 39 AD. Vespasian had served under Claudius in his conquest of Britain with distinction and honor. His reward was to allow his son Titus […]

Vespasian – 69-79 AD

Vespasian 69 – 79 AD Born 9 – Died 79 A.D., Age 70 Titus Flavius Vespasianus came from humble origins, being born at Reate the son of a knight Flavius Sabinus, a tax collector, and his wife Vespasia Polla, who was also the daughter of a knight. Thus Vespasian was a member of the old […]

Clodius Macer – 68AD

Clodius Macer Clodius Macer was the Pro Praetor in Africa at the time of Nero’s fall. Initially, Clodius is said to have been little more than a pirate who raided the North African coast. Clodius attempted to broaden his power base by cutting into the grain supplies from Africa to Rome. By April of 68 […]

Poppaea – 2nd Wife

Sabina Poppaea Unique Dupondius Second wife of Nero 62 – 65 AD Murdered by Nero 65 AD Sabina Poppaea was the second wife of Emperor Nero. She was the daughter of Titus Ollius and granddaughter of the famed proconsul Poppaeus Sabinus. Her mother, of the same name, was reportedly hounded to death by Messalina, the notorious wife of the […]

Nero – 54-68 AD

NERO (54 – 68AD) Born 37 – Died 68 AD, Age 31 Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus (Nero) was born on the 15th of December at Annum, a small Italian seaside community, in 37 AD. He was the son of Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus and Agrippina Junior., daughter of Germanicus, sister of Caligula, and fourth wife to Emperor Claudius. Nero’s […]

Claudius – 41-54 AD

Claudius Emperor 41 – 54 AD Born 10 BC – Died 54 AD, age 64 Tiberius Claudius Drusus was the younger son of Nero Claudius Drusus (son of Livia) and Antonia, daughter of Mark Antony and Octavia. Claudius was born at Lugdunum, Gaul (Lyons, France), on August 1st, 10 BC. Claudius was the first emperor to be born outside of Italy, although […]

Caligula – 37-41AD

Gaius (Caligula) Emperor 37 – 41 AD Born 12 AD – Died 41 AD, age 29 Gaius Caesar Germanicus (Caligula) was the youngest son of Germanicus and Agrippina Senior and was born at Antium in 12 AD (modern Anzio), some 25 miles south of Rome. the historian Suetonius tells us that he was a tall, […]

Agrippina – Wife

Vipsania Agrippina Senior Daughter of Agrippa & Julia Granddaughter of Augustus Wife of Germanicus Mother of Caligula Born 15 BC Died 19 AD Agrippina was born in 15 BC, the daughter of Marcus Agrippa and Julia, who was, in turn, the daughter of Augustus. Agrippina was married to Germanicus around 8 AD. She accompanied her […]