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Marc Antony – 42 BC

Marc Antony Born 83 – Died 30 BC, age 53 Imperator, 46 – 30 BC Marcus Antonius was born in 83 BC, the son of Antonius Creticus and Julia, who was related to Julius Caesar. His father was a rather unsuccessful admiral who died early during his childhood. His mother remarried P. Cornelius Lentulus who raised him for most […]

Cassius – 42BC

Gaius Cassius Longinus Imperator, 44 – 42 BC Assassin of Caesar died 42 BC Gaius CASSIUS Longinus was appointed Quaestor in 53 BC. Little is known of his early life. Much of what has come down is related to the period of the Civil War. Cassius had served in the military under Marcus Crassus – a member of the 1st Triumvirate. […]

Gaius Julius Caesar – 44BC

Dictator, 48 – 44 BC Born 100 BC – Assassinated 44 BC, age 56 Temple of Alexandria & the Black Bust of Caesar Commissioned by Cleopatra Gaius Julius Caesar was born to an aristocratic family. His parents were Gaius Julius Caesar and Aurelia. Julius was born on July 13th, 100 BC, for whom the month of July is named. […]

Gnaeus Pompey Junior

Silver Denarius Son of Pompey the Great (executed by Caesar in 45 BC) Gnaeus Pompey was the eldest son of Pompey the Great by his third wife, Murcia. Gnaeus was a loyal officer who fought alongside his father. He joined his father and the corrupt Senate of Rome during the Civil War in opposition to […]

The Monetary History of the Roman Republic

By Martin A. Armstrong It is told that Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus in about 753 BC. Roman tradition held that the first Romans migrated to Italy following the fall of Troy. If so, the Romans would appear to have lost most of their culture and artistic skills. It is perhaps more likely […]


Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved March 25th, 2012 Sometimes I get such hate mail from gold bugs that you really have to wonder what is going on out there. It appears that some of these people are such fanatics that they loath anyone who dares to say there will ever be a correction regardless […]

Will Leverage Cause The Financial World to Blow Up?

Will Leverage Cause The Financial World to Blow Up? By Martin A. Armstrong Copyright October 9th, 1998 Princeton Economic Institute There has always been the question of leverage that enters into the process of any financial panic. The degree of leverage within the system is a key factor in determining just how severe the panic […]

World Ends Here?

by Martin A. Armstrong copyright October 7, 1998 Princeton Economic Institute The sheer chaos that is unfolding within the financial markets has now reached a level that simply requires government intervention within the foreign exchange sector. We have warned repeatedly that government intervention is wrong and that it disrupts the world economy by attempt to […]

Can the World Be Saved?

Can the World Be Saved? Global Meltdown post July 20th Hedge Funds – Fed Social Threats of War & Designing A New World Financial System by Martin A. Armstrong copyright October 3rd 1998 Princeton Economic Institute There has been much turmoil in the past several weeks that has led to considerable outcry for everything from […]

Do We Need to Be "Rescued From Capitalism?"

Global Meltdown Do we need to be “rescued from Capitalism?” By Martin A. Armstrong © September 16th, 1998 Princeton Economic Institute There is little doubt that the global economy is experiencing at the very least a short-term meltdown. George Soros’ comments yesterday calling for more intervention and bailouts because emerging market investors need to be […]