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Fetterman and Biden – Why We Need Cognitive Tests for Politicians

@okiepatriot1776♬ original sound – okiepatriot 76 I-95, a major roadway going through Philadelphia, collapsed. People were understandably concerned and looked to their elected officials for answers. I cannot imagine a more inept team than Biden and Fetterman. Some joke and mock the two men, but if you step back and really look at what is […]

Market Talk – June 20, 2023

ASIA:   The People’s Bank of China has taken steps to stimulate economic growth by cutting two key lending rates for the first time in 10 months. The one-year loan prime rate was reduced by 10 basis points from 3.65% to 3.55%, and the five-year loan prime rate was lowered from 4.3% to 4.2%. These […]

The Most Chilling Quote In American History?

CNN is simply a propaganda tool of the deep state. They ignore all the facts and feed the people a 24/7 news loop of lies. A reporter recently said that Trump’s statements regarding his arrest “were among the most chilling and demagogic ever uttered by a major figure in modern American history.” This is what […]

Putin’s Comments on Nuclear Weapons

I have listened to so many Western commentators who all downplay Putin at every stage in this insane game.  Putin is well aware that this is NOT a war between Russia and Ukraine, this is a war between the USA and NATO using Ukraine and Europe as its cannon fodder. The United States has been […]

Biden – Admits He is a Puppet

COMMENT: You are just anti-Democrat and always against Biden. WU REPLY: Sorry, you are so biased you cannot look objectively at anything. When Biden utters the phrase “I’m deviating from the script, and I going to get in trouble” don’t you understand that someone is scolding him if he speaks his own mind? I’m sorry. […]

Espionage Act & Abuse of Power

Many people have written in and asked how can Trump be charged under the Espionage Act. There is probably no other Act that has been so abused than this statute. It has been responsible for witch hunts and the deliberate execution of people the prosecutors knew were innocent. This Act has silenced people, been used […]

So What Comes Between Now & 2032?

QUESTION: Dear Sir, With regard to your recent blog post – [ ]… … you included the ECM chart depicting the decline and fall of the United States. You have an encyclopedic understanding of the cyclical rise and fall of empires. Seeing as how the USA presently constitutes a veritable empire in most respects, […]

Burisma Audio Tapes Coming Soon?

The mainstream media continually calls Biden’s Burisma bribery misinformation. Senator Chuck Grassley made a stunning claim that a Burisma executive is currently in possession of recorded calls with Hunter and Joe Biden in which they discuss the $5 million bribe. The then-vice president and the executive referred to the bribe as an “insurance policy” for […]

National Day of Mourning for Silvio Berlusconi

Italy declared a national day of mourning this Wednesday to honor former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who passed at the age of 86 on Monday. Despite his controversial life, world leaders have offered messages of condolences to his family and the Italian people. Few of those offering condolences were true friends. The European Union even […]

Tucker Understands – Washington Loves Wars – Endless Wars

Ep. 3 America's principles are at stake — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 13, 2023 I can confirm, knowing some of the Neocons personally, and meeting others in just introductions where you get to look into their eyes and see the corruption and dead coldness. The sheer absence of any dignity or honor. I have […]