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Italy’s Referendum

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You said other nations would follow Britain. It appears that Italy is doing so with their referendum. Is this correct? You are very famous in Germany by the way. Thank you. KG ANSWER: Yes. Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has said that a victory in the poll would end Italy’s questionable political system which […]

Europe Begins to Rebel Against Austerity

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I attended the Berlin Conference. I have to say that you have done an excellent job of laying everything out from the rally in the euro back to 116 to the rally in gold and its failure to get past 1362 not to mention Brexit and the breakout in the Dow. You […]

The USA is in its Death Throes

Obama is reviewing the ban on military weapons for police forces after multiple instances of deliberate attacks on police officers. Instead of prosecuting the bad police officers, they are preparing to dig their heels in and arm the police to escalate the confrontation between the people and the police. This, unfortunately, is also how Rome ended. […]

Japan – Is this The End of the Govt Bond Rally?

Japanese 10-year bonds have crashed because the government is stopping its bond-buying program, at least for now. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s monetary policy is starting to demonstrate the dangerous position we face on a global scale with respect to interest rates and debt. Japanese 10-year bonds have crashed since the Bank of Japan now holds over […]

Can Hillary Win?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you think that Hillary can win? And if so, what would happen? Thanks RP ANSWER: Our model is not unanimous for Trump. There is technically a 25% chance that Hillary could win, which one of our four models projects a Democratic victory. However, if you look at the mainstream channels from […]

Poland Aligning with US more than EU

The head of the national conservative Polish ruling party PiS, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, has called on Germany to be fair and cooperative with its neighbors. He has said that while all Europe speaks of a German leadership within the EU, he said that Germany is not the United States and “does not come close to the former […]

Gold & Monetary Reform

QUESTION: Marty; The Global Market Watch on gold has been really something on the investor level. Can’t wait for the trader level. I believe your staff said that will have the daily and weekly levels also. I find it fascinating how the computer called the low in gold and then said turning back up and […]

Market Talk — July 25, 2016

  Even though we have two central banks announcing rate decision this week, in addition to Tuesday being one of the busiest corporate reporting days of the year and hearing from the G20 at the weekend, this week looks to be one of the quietest! Asia had no reaction to anything emerging from the G20 […]

The Republican Convention in Review

Those in the establishment are truly beside themselves. People like Jon Stewart are bashing Trump supporters saying, “You Don’t Own America,” which means only one thing — shut up and let the rest of us control government as we always have. The Trump supporters are the main backbone of America who have been ignored, lied to, and abused in […]

Market Talk — July 21, 2016

Talk that the BOJ was preparing even more stimulus to be announced at next weeks central bank meeting certainly helped the Nikkei and also sentiment for most core Asian exchanges. After yesterdays 13% fall in Nintendo shares today was reasonably quiet closing just 0.8% higher on the day. The Shanghai and Hang Seng indices were […]