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White House Neocon Spokesman Admits – They Do Not Want Peace in Ukraine

  I have had two employees from Ukraine – Kiev and Donetsk. The one from Kiev just mouths the standard Ukrainian propaganda. If they give up the Donbas, they will then want all of Ukraine. The UK is deeply involved walking hand and hand with Biden into world war III. They have clearly crossed the […]

Market Talk – March 20, 2023

  ASIA:   A new report suggests that China is reducing its imports from the United States, with a decline in US exports to China in 2022, despite suggestions of record trade. The worsening of relations between the US and China since the Trump administration began imposing import tariffs on Chinese goods in 2018 has […]

Market Talk – March 16, 2023

ASIA:   Asia was an outlier for Zara owner Inditex last year, the only region where profits fell as China faced COVID-19 lockdowns, while profit ballooned in the Americas, the fashion retailer’s annual report showed on Thursday. Inditex, the world’s biggest fashion retailer, reported record annual sales on Wednesday. It has been expanding in the […]

Toxic Currencies – Good for the Yuan

The Chinese yuan has out-traded the US dollar by volume for one of the first times in recent Russian history. The dollar was king in 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed, but that is no longer the case after Moscow branded the dollar a “toxic currency” along with the euro. Toxic currencies accounted for 87% […]

Market Talk – March 13, 2023

ASIA: China’s efforts to ramp up lithium extraction could see it accounting for nearly a third of the world’s supply by the middle of the decade, according to UBS AG. The bank expects Chinese-controlled mines, including projects in Africa, to raise output to 705,000 tons by 2025 from 194,000 tons in 2022. That would lift […]

The Metals Are Not Manipulated

COMMENT: Marty; Two former Merrill Lynch traders were each sentenced to a year and a day in prison Thursday for manipulating the precious metals markets, the US Department of Justice announced. Of course, —- —–, which is forever bullish metals, claims they moved the metals in the “direction they wanted from 2008 to 2014.” It […]

Market Talk – March 7, 2023

ASIA:   India’s domestic economy is its primary engine of growth and the slowdown in economic activity late last year will only be temporary, said Moody’s Analytics on Tuesday. Citing that the private consumption lagging overall GDP for the first time since the Delta wave of Covid-19 struck the economy in the second quarter of 2021, […]

Colonel Douglas MacGregor & Sources

COMMENT #1:  I have been watching Colonel Douglas MacGregor (ret), on alt news sites. He is a former tank commander in the Gulf war and has worked extensively with NATO, before retiring. I love his direct commentary – so in a nutshell he says the following: 1. Ukraine has lost up to 250k troops and […]

Market Talk – March 2, 2023

ASIA:   U.S. President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the World Bank, ex-Mastercard Chief Executive Officer Ajay Banga, said he plans to travel to Europe, Asia, Africa and potentially Latin America in coming weeks to hear from donor countries and borrowers on challenges facing the global institution. Biden last week nominated Banga, to head the […]

Market Talk – March 1, 2023

ASIA:   China is willing to “constructively” participate in solving the debt problems of relevant countries under a multilateral framework, its Premier Li Keqiang said on Wednesday. China, the world’s largest bilateral creditor, has criticized multilateral lenders for not accepting losses, or haircuts, on loans to low-income countries while Beijing is being asked to do […]