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Democrats Are Dancing in the Streets Over Bankrupting Trump & Family

I have warned that our computer has put out a MAJOR long-term SELL SIGNAL on New York City.  You had better get the HELL out of NYC and not do business with ANY company in New York City, for the courts are no longer reliable. The novel action against Trump is that you claimed your […]

Biden Proposes Largest Spending Package and American Taxpayer Burden in US History

The Biden Administration is outright destroying America through reckless spending. The Federal Reserve has warned that Biden’s current spending habits are robbing future generations of Americans. They cannot stablizie prices or make a dent in inflation due to the rising national debt. After his State of the Union address, Joe Biden unveiled his next spending […]

Answering Questions

QUESTION #1: What is your opinion of Trump’s statement regarding the COVID vaccine: “YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!”” JN ANSWER #1: I have a serious disagreement with Trump, and it bothers me that he has not expressed what so many now realize was wrong. […]

Powell: March Rate Cut Unlikely

Those who follow this blog already knew that the Federal Reserve would not drop rates in the future due to unsustainable fiscal policies paired with America’s increasing involvement in foreign wars. All of the talking heads were preaching that rates would significantly decline to pandemic levels, as if that were the historical norm. Every fiscal […]

Scared of the National Debt? You Should Be.

A new billboard launched in New York City’s Times Square is sounding the alarm on America’s growing national debt crisis. “Scared of the national debt? You should be.” US national debt spiked past $34 trillion at the top of the year and continues to rise due to massive spending packages. Now that America is committed […]

Why War is Inevitable & the Outcome

One of the basic rules of war is that you always keep two fronts going simultaneously. The first is the obvious battlefield. However, the second is communication. Suppose you DO NOT keep communication open through the back channels. In that case, there is NEVER the possibility of PEACE, and the war then becomes concluded only when […]

War & the ECM

QUESTION: You have been the only analyst who has been correct that there would be no recession that just about everyone had forecast for the last two years. A friend turned me on to you and said mainstream media will never quote you because you do not play by their rules. I had to present […]

The Second Motive of the Migrant Crisis Revealed

I revealed how Democrats planned the deliberate invasion of America to secure votes for socialistic policies. There is a second motive that is not largely understood, but it becomes apparent when you follow the money. In particular, follow the dollar. The dollar’s purchasing power is significantly less than it was a few short years ago. […]

IRS Told to Prepare to Shoot US Citizens

BREAKING: IRS official Alex Mena who works in “Criminal Investigations” says @IRSNews, ‘has no problem going after the small people, putting people in prison, and destroying people’s lives.’ Mena ‘doubts the constitutionality’ of his employer, the IRS, using AI to access… — James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) February 21, 2024 The Internal Revenue Service is a […]

Inflation Dropped in Canada – So Why is the Cost of Living Unaffordable?

Statistics Canada reported that inflation slowed in January to 2.9%, beating expectations of 3.3%. So why are Canadians still struggling to afford basic necessities like rent and food? Mortgage interest costs remain the top noted driver of inflation after rising 27.4% YoY, while rentals increased 7.9% during the same period. Bank of Canada governor Tiff […]