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Navy SEAL to Pay Government Everything He Has or Will Earn in the Future

Former Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette has been court ordered to pay millions to the U.S. government for writing the book “No Easy Day” in which he details his firsthand experience in the Bin Laden raid. The U.S. government has ordered Bissonnette to pay over $6 million in profits from the book and movie rights. They […]

The Way of the Future

One of the more vital technological advancements has been developed. They can grow all the necessary food without farmland from inside a warehouse that is completely free from genetic tinkering or chemical whatever. This technology and has been doing a bang-up job around the world. It would probably not be a bad idea to set […]

The Fed & the Future

While everyone seems to be placing a huge question on whether the Fed will raise rates or not, the markets have already factored in the rate rise for some time. The Fed was scheduled to raise rates in June, but the IMF turned to the press to criticize them to prevent a rate hike. Then in […]

WEC Events in the Future

We are preparing a video on the basics that anyone attending in the future for the first time will be required to watch. This way, we do not have to spend time going over what is old hat to others. I personally enjoy the questions and the cocktail party. Getting to mingle with the clients […]

The Dow & the Future

Yes, there were ONLY two possible patterns (instead of countless): (1) the slingshot where you penetrate the previous year’s low and then blast to new highs, or (2) you base until the Gold Benchmarks and then enter the Phase Transition. Either way, new highs were ahead. There was no indication of a crash to some 50% to 90% […]

Is Nigel Farage the Only Politician Who Can Save the Future?

On Immigration

The Future Rests in the Hands of the Youth

QUESTION: Hi mr. Armstrong, I’m aware of your blog for almost a year and try to daily follow your posts. I’m from the Netherlands and also over here government and other officials try to make the people believe that we’re recovering from the economic crisis. There is no mention given about a coming debt crisis. […]

Thank You – The Future

COMMENT:  I carefully read through all your missives you had sent over the weekend, highlighting the importance of Monday for the Dow, and the levels given. You even said “Pay attention now Monday could be the intraday low. The open will be crucial”. And the low so far indeed did occur in the opening few […]

The Future & 2015.75

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, a friend introduced me to your site. He said you are the source and everyone, even the most famous, seem to reshape their forecasts to mimic you in one way or another. Some have the audacity to pretend they have their own models with dates just a few days either way to […]

Why Many Economists Refuse to Believe That the Future Can Be Forecasted

When I was in school, it became obvious that there were real sciences, and then there were “social sciences” based on opinions. In physics class, you learned that there were laws and that “God did not play dice with the universe”, as Einstein similarly put it. When you went to economics class, they said not […]