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It is Dangerous to be Right When Gov’t is Wrong

  History repeats because those in power never change. Revolutions change only for a brief shining moment. Thereafter, all systems collapse into themselves. It follows the same pattern of physics. The Big Bang, then the Big Crunch and then it starts all over again. No matter how hard they pretend to be “honorable” and grant […]

Energy Models & The Generational Cycle Shift

QUESTION: Marty; I was at the second 1987 WEC Conference in Princeton. I remember asking you about gold and you said it would decline for 19 years into 1999 and then start to invert in preparation for Big Bang. I have never known you to be wrong yet. You clearly said gold peaked and would […]

So What’s Up With the DAX?

  Previously I have warned that the DAX would press higher as the object of capital flight within Europe. The problem we are facing is that the DAX could peak-out with this ECM turning point. If this were to unfold with a high in the DAX to the day of the ECM, this will be […]

Comment from a Reader & Manipulations

I have received a lot of emails of support ever since the gold promoters once again try to slander me to prevent people from listening to any view other than that presented by them. The most abusive promoters who will never say sell act the same as government and the bankers. It is just that […]

Universe without Singularities

There is another group who have attempted to argue against the theory of Big Bang and what I explained would be the Big Crunch. The entire problem in the theory is that no one seems to be able to explain what happens before the instant of Big Bang. General relativity implies there should have been […]

A Question About Gold

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I “think” I am finally beginning to grasp some of what you have been preaching, but first allow me to say “thanks” for everything you do to help some of us understand what is unfolding all around us, and “how” everything is connected, and that nothing happens in isolation, again, “thanks” ! Also, […]

The Universe & Maximum Entropy

  A lot of questions have come about TIME. There are cycles that are fixed as in Benchmarks but they undergo a cycle inversion process themselves and produce opposite events. Then there is the transverse wave that expands and contracts. What about the Universe? To put it simply, based upon the existence of cycles and […]

Gold Promoters – Here We Go Again

Trying to argue with a Gold Promoter is trying to argue with a Democrat that they should be a Republican. It will never happen because it is their life and how they make money. If we look at the commodity sector as a whole, in 1919 Wheat was 356. It reached in 2008 13500. That […]

Manipulation and the World is Flat

  There are always going to be people who reject our models. Some professor coming out claiming there are no cycles is typical. Light to him is also a straight line because he cannot see the wave nor does sound travel in waves for he does not hear the oscillations.That is the way it is […]

Setting the Stage for the One World Currency

We can start to see how the one-world currency comes into play with BIG BANG. The more these governments try to manipulate the outcome of the free markets, the worse everything becomes. I met with members of the board in charge of the Swiss/Euro Peg just before the Berlin Conference. I explained that no peg […]